Faculty of Engineering Niigata University | 論文
- Reduction of Surface Clutter by a Polarimetric FM-CW Radar in Underground Target Detection
- Detection of Objects Buried in Sandy Ground by a Synthetic Aperture FM-CW Radar (Special Issue on Radar Technology)
- DETECTION OF REGIONAL CARDIAC WALL MOTION ABNORMALITIES BY CARDIAC WALL KYMOGRAPHY : Echocardiography II : IIIrd Auditorium : Proceedings of the 43rd Annual Meeting of the Japanese Circulation Society, Tokyo, 1979
- Nano-silica PAMAM Dendrimer as a Novel Catalyst for Knoevenagel Reactions
- Henry Reaction Catalyzed by Aminopropylated Nanosilica
- Total Synthesis of (-)-12,13-epi-Obtusenyne
- P-139 Synthetic Transformation of Ptychantin into Forskolin and 1,9-Dideoxyforskolin
- (R)-2,2'-Bis(stannyl)-1,1'-binaphthyls as a New Chiral Bis-Metallic Binaphthyl Catalyst
- Syntheisi and Structure of Chiral (R)-2,2'-Bis-Silyl-Substituted 1,1'-Binaphthyl Derivatives
- Localization of Eigenstates in One-Dimensional Disordered Systems
- Thermodynamic and Structural Properties of Charged-Hard-Sphere Mixtures : Application to the Liquid CsAu Alloy
- Electronic States of Disordered Binary Alloys with Strong Off-Diagonal Disorder
- First-Principles Molecular-Dynamics Simulation of Proton Diffusion in Sc-Doped SrTio_3
- On the Excess Entropy of Liquid Alkali Metals
- Improvement of the Visible Electroluminescence from Nanocrystalline Silicon Embedded in CaF_2 on Si(111)Substrate Prepared by Rapid Thermal Annealing
- Visible Electroluminescence from Silicon Nanocrystals Embedded in CaF_2 Epilayers on Si(111) with Rapid Thermal Anneal
- Visible Electroluminescence from Nanocrystalline Silicon Embedded in Single-Crystalline CaF_2/Si(111) with Rapid Thermal Anneal
- Excimer-Type Electroluminescence and Carrier-Transporting Properties of Electron-Accepting π-Conjugated Polymers
- Effect of Oxygen on Hydrogen Outgassing Process from Palladium Hydride
- Intermolecular π-π Interraction of Poly (4, 4'-dialkyl -2, 2'-bithiazole - 5, 5'-diyl) s and Photoluminescence of the Polymers