Faculty of Engineering, Toyama University | 論文
- A Method of Analyzing Zone-plate Interferograms Using a Nematic Liquid-crystal Cell
- Tannins and Related Compounds in Callus and Root Cultures of Cornus capitata
- Mechanical Properties and Corrosion Resistance of Al-Mg Alloys with Cu Added by Electron Beam Welding
- Control Methods of Genetic Algorithms under Changing Environments
- High Speed Hypothetical Reasoning System with Case-Based Reasoning for Diagnosing Faults
- Expression of contour vibration modes of a square plate by scalar and vector velocity potentials
- Some Relations between Watson-Crick Finite Automata and Chomsky Hierarchy(Automata and Formal Language Theory)
- NO_2 Gas Sensor Made of Porous MoO_3 Sputtered Films
- Slit Structure as a Countermeasure for the Thermal Deformation of a Metal Mask : General Physics
- Dependence of Composition Distribution of NiTi Sputtered Films on Ar Gas Pressure : Surfaces, Interfaces, and Films
- Step Coverage of Molybdenum Silicide Sputtering Films Investigated by Monte Carlo Method
- Simulation of the long wavelength sound-wave CT using prior information
- Study on the Thermal Shock Behavior of Cermets and Cemented Carbides
- On a Transmission Line Lowpass Filter Using Radial-Line Stubs(Special Issue on Microwave and Millimeter Wave Technology)
- Study on Luminescence of Organic Thin Films Using Field Emitter Arrays (第5回日韓台中情報ディスプレイ合同研究会(ASID '99)) -- (Organic LED)
- Study on Luminescence of Organic Thin Films Using Field Emitter Arrays
- Epsilon and Eta Phases Precipitated in an Fe-38Ni-13Co-4.7Nb-1.5Ti-0.4Si Superalloy
- Lattice Constants of γ and γ" Phases and γ"/γ Lattice Mismatches in a Ni-15Cr-8Fe-6Nb Alloy
- Precipitation and Growth of γ' Phase in an Fe-38Ni-13Co-4.7Nb Superalloy
- Morphology of γ" Precipitates in a Ni-15Cr-8Fe-6Nb Alloy