Faculty of Engineering, Nagasaki University | 論文
- Thermal Stress and Residual Stress Control of Thermally Sprayed 80Ni20Cr Coating
- Susceptibility Analysis of Two-Dimensional Antiferromagnet FeTa_2O_6
- Magnetic Susceptibility and Specific Heat of the Two-Dimensional Ising Model with the Nearest, or up to the Next Nearest Neighbor Interactions
- A Graph-Theoretical Approach for Quantifying Two-Dimensional Galaxy Distributions and Comparison with Cold Dark Matter Universe
- Compressor Performance Influenced by Distribution of Tip Clearance of Centrifugal Impeller : Series B : Fluid Engineering Heat Transfer Combustion, Power Thermophysical Properties
- Preparation of Inclusion Complexes of Poly(ethylene glycol)-Bearing Artificial Lipids with α-Cyclodextrin and of a Poly(rotaxane) Based on the Complex
- Microstructure and magnetic properties of amorphous and nanocrystalline Fe_Co_xNb_3B_Cu_1 (x = 0 or 41.5) alloys
- Mossbauer Studies and Soft Magnetic Properties of Fe_85.4-xCo_xZr_Nb_1B_Cu_1(x = 0 or 42.7) Alloys
- Microstructure and magnetic properties of amorphous and nanocrystalline Fe_Co_xNb_3B_Cu_1 (x = 0, 41.5) alloys
- Nanocrystallization and soft magnetic properties of Fe_Co_xZr_Nb_1B_Cu_1 (x = 0 or 42.7) alloys
- Preannealing effect and soft magnetic properties of the nanocrystalline Fe_Cu_1Nb_3Si_B_ alloy
- Magnetic Relaxations in Amorphous and Nanocrystalline Fe-based Alloys
- The Usefulness and Limit of the Direct Regular Method in Boundary Element Elastostatic Analysis : Solid-Mechanisc, Strength of Materials
- Effects of Nitrogen Ion Beam Irradiation on a-C and CN_x Thin Films
- Growth and Properties of CN_x Films Prepared by Reactive DC Magnetron Sputterirng
- Coefficients of Resistance to Cold-Air-Drainage Winds of a Grass-Covered Slope
- Tracking Performance Improvement of an α-β Filter in Terms of Steady State Velocity(WSANE 2009 (Workshop for Space, Aeronautical and Navigational Electronics))
- Effects of bacterial strains on the development of the ripening flavor of cured pork loins
- Temperature Variation associated with Stable Crack Growth and the Fracture Toughness Value
- A New Solution Scheme for Bending Problems of Beams by the Boundary Element Method : Reconstruction of the Simultaneous Equations and Establishment of the Nondividing Scheme