Faculty of Engineering, KANAGAWA UNIVERSITY | 論文
- Ultrasonic Plastic Welding Using 90 kHz Upper and Lower Vibration Systems
- Numerical Evaluation of Evolution of Density Matrix and Decoherence Due to Non-Linear Dynamics
- Ultrasonic Butt Welding of Anticorrosive Aluminum and Copper Plate Specimens : High Power Ultrasonics
- Hysteresis of Josephson Currents through Superconducting Junctions by Applying the External Magnetic Field Perpendicular to Niobium Electrodes
- The Domain Wall Network of Explicitly Broken O(N) Model : Astrophysics and Relativity
- Quantum Trajectory in Non-Linear System〔和文〕 (第7回『非平衡系の統計物理』シンポジウム)
- Separation of Weak Acids and Bases by Neutralization Dialysis
- Load Characteristics and Vibration Loci at the Driving Surfaces of Ultrasonic Rotary Motor using a Longitudinal-Torsional Vibration Converter
- Optimum Design of ER Dampers for Ambulances
- Sectional Area for Calculation of Deformation in Screw Thread
- 22pGH-14 AlB_2型と類似構造を持つタイリング状化合物の物性(22pGH フラストレーション系,領域3(磁性,磁気共鳴))
- Circumpolar Observation of Bremsstrahlung X-Rays by a Polar Patrol Balloon over Antarctica
- Can We Understand High Energy Cosmic-Ray Spectra on the Basis of the Scaling Hypothesis?
- パセリの種子を用いたアミノ酸センサに対するコバルトイオンの影響〔英文〕 (バイオエレクトロケミストリ-の新展開)
- Imaging Performance Evaluation Method of Wide-View Underwater Acoustic Lens by Geometrical Skew Ray Analysis
- Alternate Optimization of Speed Control Hump for Automobiles and Automobile Suspension : Minimization of Each Single Objective Function
- A New Type of Hydraulic Shock Absorber Using Electrorheological Fluid : Countermeasures for Electric Current Blocked
- Electroless Copper Deposition Using Fe(II) Complex as a Reducing Agent
- A Proposed Skirtlike, Hollow Flange Design for Self-Locking Hex Nuts
- Proposal of Loosening-proof Nuts : Stress Distribution in Bolted Joint and Pressure Distribution on Bearing Surface of Nut