Faculty of Engineering, Doshisha University | 論文
- A Characteristic of a Grounding Electrode on the Earth Surface
- A Study on Frequency-Dependent Parameters and Sunde's Formulas of a Counterpoise (特集:平成18年〔電気学会〕電力・エネルギー部門大会)
- Lightning Surges on a Control Cable Incoming through a Grounding Lead (特集:平成18年〔電気学会〕電力・エネルギー部門大会)
- Development of Multi-functional Mini Machine Tool Integrated Heat Treatment Processes(Advanced machine tool)
- An Estimation of Cylindrical Surface Obtained by Ball End-milling Using Makyoh-topography Images(Digital design and digital manufacturing)
- Removal of Pollutants in Lakes by the Aquatic Plant Myriophyllum Brasiliense (Proceedings of the 14th Symposium on Environmental Pollutants and Toxicology)
- Microwave Anisotropy and Frequency Dependence of Hot Electron in n-Type Gaps
- The Experimental Investigation on the Transpiration Cooling
- Research on the Pneumatic Conveyance of Densely Concentrated Solid Particles in a Horizontal Pipe
- Surge Characteristics on a Cable Installed Vertically along a Transmission Tower
- P1-16 Characteristics of shear mode FBAR using (112^^-0) textured ZnO films(Poster session 1)
- Stereospecific Synthesis of Cyclic Hydrazoacetic Acids and meso-Diaminodicarboxylic Acids
- Transient characteristics of grounding electrodes and the modeling for EMTP simulations
- Leakage Properties of Stub-Loaded Ridge-Rectangular Waveguides(Electromagnetic Theory)
- Multiple-Step Rectangular Horn with Two Orthogonal Sectoral Tapers for Elliptical Beam(Aperture Antennas,Recent Progress in Electromagnetic Theory and Its Application)
- Leaky-Wave Antennas with Low Sidelobes Based on Stub-Loaded Ridge-Rectangular Waveguides(Antennas and Propagation)
- Novel Dual-Resonant and Dual-Polarized Frequency Selective Surface Using Eight-Legged Element and Its Experimental Verification(EM Analysis, Wireless Technologies and Computational Electromagnetics)
- Multimode Horn with Low Cross Polarization Optimized for Dual-Band Use(Antennas and Propagation)
- New Surface-Wave-Like Mode on CPWs of Infinite Width and Its Role in Explaining the Leakage Cancellation Effect
- Study on the Stress at the Root Fillet and Safety for Slipping of Force-fitted Helical Gears