Faculty of Economics, Shinshu University | 論文
- An Adaptive Likelihood Distribution Algorithm for the Localization of Passive RFID Tags
- Physiological Changes in Pachinko Players; Beta-endorphin, Catecholamines, Immune System Substances and Heart Rate
- Neural Network Rule Extraction by Using the Genetic Programming and Its Applications to Explanatory Classifications(Nonlinear Theory and its Applications)
- Magnetic resonance and computed tomography-based scoring system for the differential diagnosis of vertebral fractures caused by osteoporosis and malignant tumors
- Early-Phase Enhanced Inflammatory Reaction After Spinal Instrumentation Surgery
- Analysis of Price Changes in Artificial Double Auction Markets Consisting of Multi-Agents Using Genetic Programming for Learning and Its Applications(Soft Computing,Nonlinear Theory and its Applications)
- Multi-Fractality Analysis of Time Series in Artificial Stock Market Generated by Multi-Agent Systems Based on the Genetic Programming and Its Applications(Soft Computing,Nonlinear Theory and its Applications)
- Chaoticity and Fractality Analysis of an Artificial Stock Market Generated by the Multi-Agent Systems Based on the Co-evolutionary Genetic Programming(Nonlinear Theory and its Applications)
- Modeling and Analysis of Artificial Auction Markets Consisting of Multi-agents using Genetic Programming for Learning and its Applications
- A Random Access Micro-Cellular System Based on CSMA and Power Control(Special Section on Fundamentals of Multi-dimensional Mobile Information Network)
- A Random Access Micro-Cellular System (Special Section on Mutli-dimensional Mobile Information Network)
- PRMA/URN with Enhanced Access Control for CDMAEnvironment
- Slot Reservation TDMA with Parallel Transmission:SR-TDMA/PT (Special Section on Multi-dimensional Mobile Information Network)
- Inter-Firm Learning in High-Commitment Horizontal Alliances:Findings from Two Cases in the World Auto Industry