Faculty of Agriculture and Life Science, Hirosaki University | 論文
- Local variation in soil microbial community structure in seminatural and artificial grasslands
- Isolation of Tribromoacetamide from an Okinawan Alga and Biological Activities of Its Analogs
- Effect of 2-Chloroethyl Phosphonic Acid on Sugar Composition of Cell Wall Polysaccharides in Mungbean Hypocotyls
- Quantitative and Qualitative Changes of Organic Matter in an Ando Soil Induced by Mineral Fertilizer and Cattle Manure Applications for 20 Years
- Feed-Forward Effects on the Photosynthetic Source-Sink Balance in Single-Rooted Leaves of Sweet Potato
- Nervostroma, gen. nov. in the Sclerotiniaceae, the teleomorph of Cristulariella, and Hinomyces anam. gen. nov. to accommodate the anamorph of Grovesinia : reassessment of the genus Cristulariella
- Hadrospora fallax (Pleosporales) found in Japan
- Pleosporales in Japan (1) : the genus Lophiostoma
- Phylogenetic affinity of Mycochaetophora gentianae, the causal fungus of brown leaf spot on gentian (Gentiana triflora), to Pseudocercosporella-like hyphomycetes in Helotiales
- Transfer of Asterosporium orientale to the genus Prosthemium (Pleosporales, Ascomycota) : a common coelomycetous fungus with stellate conidia occurring on twigs of Befula spp.
- Three new freshwater ascomycetes from rivers in Akkeshi, Hokkaido, northern Japan
- Bambusicolous fungi in Japan (5) : three species of Tetraploa
- Bambusicolous fungi in Japan (3) : a new combination, Kalmusia scabrispora
- Effect of Field-Dependent Diffusion Coefficient in QWITT Diodes
- Photosynthesis and micro-environmental factors in a spring ephemeral, Erythronium japonicum, from native and open habitats
- Cloning and Expression of 1,2-α-Mannosidase Gene (fmanIB) from Filamentous Fungus Aspergillus oryzae : in Vivo Visualization of the FmanIBp-GFP Fusion Protein
- Effects of grassland species on decomposition of litter and soil microbial communities
- Two new species of Exobasidium causing Exobasidium diseases on Vaccinium spp. in Japan
- LOCALIZATION OF MITOCHONDRIAL SMALL RIBOSOMAL RNA IN THE REGENERATING MARINE PLANARIAN POLYCLAD(Developmental Biology,Abstracts of papers presented at the 75^ Annual Meeting of the Zoological Society of Japan)
- Involvement of the C-terminal Region in Phosphate Inhibition of Plasma Membrane Proton Pumping Activity