Faculty of Agriculture Utsunomiya University | 論文
- The Central Distribution of the Vagal Efferent Neurons Projecting into the Stomach of the Japanese Field Vole (Microtus montebelli)
- The Central Distribution of the Vagal Efferent Neurons Projecting into the Stomach of the Japanese Field Vole (Microtus montebelli)
- Inheritance of C_3-C_4 Intermediate Photosynthesis in Reciprocal Hybrids between Moricandia arvensis (C_3-C_4) and Brassica oleracea (C_3) that Differ in their Genome Constitution(Crop Morphology)
- The Blastocyst Production Rate and Incidence of Chromosomal Abnormalities by Developmental Stage in In Vitro Produced Porcine Embryos
- Retinal Projections to the Dorsal and Ventral Lateral Geniculate Nuclei in the Domestic Pig (Sus scrofa domesticus Brisson)
- Retinal Projections to the Dorsal and Ventral Lateral Geniculate Nuclei in the Domestic Pig (Sus scrofa domesticus Brisson)
- Quantitative study of the optic nerve in buffaloes (Bos bubalis)
- Effects of Temperature, Sowing Depth and Soil Hardness on Seedling Establishment and Yield of Cambodian Rice Direct-seeded in Flood Paddy Fields(Agronomy)
- Evaluation of an Indigenous Farming Systems in the Matengo Highlands, Tanzania, and Its Sustainability
- マウス体外受精卵の染色体異常の出現率および性比における卵管内卵子加齢の影響
- 乳牛ふんのマトリックポテンシャルおよび浸透ポテンシャル
- Nutritional Regulation of Insulin-like Growth Factor-I Receptor mRNA Levels in Growing Chickens
- A Study on Suction Gas Heating in a Rolling Piston Rotary Compressor
- カイコ終齢食桑期の翅原基における蛹化能力の獲得
- Molecular sexing of Jungle crow (Corvus macrorhynchos japonensis) and Carrion crow (Corvus corone corone) using a feather
- コロンビアアマゾン上流部、マカレナ地域における河畔林の樹種と年輪特性
- 日本産ササ類の系統類縁関係はPCR-RAPD法によって分析できる
- コロンビア国ティニグアおよびマカレナ国立公園の熱帯雨林で観察された一回繁殖型草本性タケ類の1種 Pharus viresces の種子散布者
- 南米コロンビア産草本性タケ類Pharus virescensにおける一斉開花・枯死と個体群の回復
- 世界のタケ類の系統類縁関係 : 葉緑体DNAのRFLPs法による解析