Faculty of Agriculture, Tottori University | 論文
- Agroforestry as a Tool for Combating Soil and Environmental Degradation : Examples From the Tropics
- Rodenticidal Activity of New Indirect Anticoagulant, 2,4-dioxo-3-(α-acetonybenzyl)-dihydro-benzopyran Tl-salt
- Studies on the Improved Effectiveness of Anticoagulative Rodenticides on Rodents : I. Synergistic Toxic Action between Coumarin or Indandione Derives andThallium Salts on Mice
- Effects of pH and Temperature on the Respone of the Tarsal Chemoreceptors and Proboscis Extending Time for Sugars and Salt in the Cabbage Butterfly, Pieris rapae crucivora Boisduval
- Pracrical Efficiency of Several Rodenticides on the Japanese Field Voles, Microtus montebelli in Agricultural Area
- Physiological and Psychological Analysis of the Acceptability of Acute Rodenticides by Rats
- Study on the Phosphate of Black Soil (Kuroboku) in Japan
- 木材の接着性に及ぼす抽出成分の影響-3-有機溶剤で抽出処理したアピトン材(Dipterocarpus spp.)の割裂接着強さ〔英文〕
- Study on the Form and Type of Soil Humus
- Analyzing the Relationship between Periodic Height Increment and Height at the Beginning of the Increment Period in Even-Aged Pure Stands of Japanese Larch (Larix kaempferi) Based on Stem Analysis
- Evaluation of histamine productivity of Tetragenococcus halophilus isolated from salted mackerel (saba-shiokara)
- Molecular biological studies on the pathogenicity of Alternaria alternata tomato pathotype
- Characterization of the glycoside hydrolase family 15 glucoamylase gene from the ectomycorrhizal basidiomycete Tricholoma matsutake
- Differences in intron-mediated enhancement of gene expression by the first intron of cytosolic superoxide dismutase gene from rice in monocot and dicot plants
- 11-14 Mineral composition of different plant species as affected by salinity (Cl or SO4) and Nitrogen fertilization
- Multiple Effects of Gymnopilin on Circulatory System of the Rat
- 11-26 Effects of Soil Salinity on Growth and Cations Absorption of Barley
- Photosynthetic gas exchange characteristics in Jatropha curcas L.
- Numerical Calculation of Soil Water Movement in a Water Harvesting System with Sand Ditches Using HYDRUS-2D
- Jatropha research : A new frontier for biofuel development