Faculty of Agriculture, Tottori University | 論文
- モンシロチョウの蛹体色の発現に関与する環境因子 : 第 1 報 2, 3 の緑葉および揮発性物質の効果
- ニホンナシ"二十世紀"の自発休眠打破予測のためのchill unitモデル
- Response of Vegetable Crops to Salinity and Sodicity in Relation to Ionic Balance and Ability to Absorb Microelements
- RAPD Variation among Quercus Species Distributed in Temperate Deciduous Forests of the Hiruzen Mountains
- High-level Expression of the Human-α-interferon Gene through the Use of an Improved Baculovirus Vector in the Silkworm, Bombyx mori
- Characteristics of Human Interferon-a produced by a Gene transferred by a Baculovirus Vector in the Silkworm, Bombyx mori
- Resonant Brillouin Scattering and Piezobirefringence in ZnS
- ヘビの血液凝固に関する二, 三の知見
- Inhibitory Effects of Some Phytotoxic Substances Produced by Plant Root upon the Crowth of Higher Plant Seedings and Microorganisms
- New Outbreak of Alternaria Stem Canker of Tomato in Japan and Production of Host-selective toxins by the Causal Fungus
- Wood Anatomy of Tamarix austromongolica and T. chinensis from an Ecological Perspective
- Carbohydrases of the Digestive Tract of the Larvae of Cabbage Butterfly, Pieris rapae crucivora BOISDUVAL
- Finite Larmor Radius Hydromagnetic Flow past an Obstacle
- Chemical Characterization and Biological Activity of the Inducer for Disease Resistance Released by Alternaria alternata
- Rapid detection for sporeless trait from Pleurotus pulmonarius culture extracts by using real-time PCR
- Some Notes on the Mechanism of Proboscis Extension in the Cabbage Butterfly, Pieris rapae crucivora Boisduval
- Acoustic Domain Injection Method and Resonant Brillouin Scattering : Physical Acoustics II
- モンシロチョウの蛹体色の発現に関与する環境因子 : 第 2 報光線, 温度の影響の季節的変異
- ニホンナシにおける開発期から幼杲期にかけての脂質代謝および耐凍性の変化
- Convenient One-Pot Synthesis of 2-Oxazolines from Carboxylic Acids