Faculty of Agriculture, Tokyo university of Agriculture and Technology | 論文
- 寒天培地を用いた生物検定法による被覆植物の乾燥葉からの浸出物質および根からの滲出物質による他感作用活性の検定
- 東京都内の主要道路における道路粉塵、街路土壌および街路樹葉の重金属蓄積
- 中部山岳国立公園上高地周辺における沿道土壌の重金属濃度の地理的分布および季節変動
- Influence of Vitamins on Production of Males in the Green Peach Aphid, Myzus persicae (Homoptera: Aphididae)
- Nucleotide Sequence of the Random Amplified Polymorphic DNA (RAPD) on the W Chromosome of the Silkworm, Bombyx mori (Lepidoptera: Bombycidae)
- 濃核病ウイルス1型非感受性蚕品種「大成」の育成
- Improvement of dimensional stability and weatherability of composite board made from water-vapor-exploded wood elements by liquefied wood resin impregnation
- Distribution of Heavy Metals among Different Bonding Forms in Tropical Peat Soils
- Spectrophotometric Determination of Spermine and Related Compounds Using o-Hydroxyhydroquinonephthalein and Manganese(II)
- Studies on a Quantitative Analysis of Oryzalides and Oryzalic Acids in Rice Plants by GC-SIM
- Structures of Oryzalic Acid B and Three Related Compounds, a Group of Novel Antibacterial Diterpenes, Isolated from Leaves of a Bacterial Leaf Blight-Resistent Cultivar of Rice
- Endophytic Bacterial Population in Philippine Sugarcane Cultivars and Isolation of Nitrogen-fixing Strains
- バイカル湖, カスピ海, 黒海および日本近海産魚類20種の微量元素蓄積
- Mapping the Virus and Host Genes Involved in the Resistance Response in Cucumber Mosaic Virus-Infected Arabidopsis thaliana
- Novel Mannose-Binding Rice Lectin Composed of Some Isolectins and Its Relation to a Stress-Inducible salT Gene
- Targeted Gene Disruption of the Neuronal Calcium Sensor 1 Homologue in Rice Blast Fungus, Magnaporthe grisea(Biochemistry & Molecular Biology)
- Evidence that a shoot-derived substance is involved in regulation of the super-nodulation trait in soybean(Soil Biology)
- Comparative study of urinary reproductive hormones in great apes
- Estimation of the Nitrogen Fixation by Sugarcane Cultivar NiF-8 Using ^15N Dilution and Natural ^15N Abundance Techniques
- Isolation and Partial Characterization of Endophytic Diazotrophs Associated with Japanese Sugarcane Cultivar