Faculty of Agriculture, Miyazaki University | 論文
- A quantitative study on arginine catabolism by mixed ruminal bacteria, protozoa and their mixture in vitro
- Quantitative studies of the in vitro production of pipecolic acid by rumen protozoa and its degradation by rumen bacteria
- Biosynthesis of arginine from citrulline and related compounds by mixed ruminal bacteria, protozoa and their mixture in vitro
- ウシエビの抗菌タンパク Penaeidin の分子クローニングと組換え体の発現
- 漢方生薬配合C-UP IIIのテラピアにおける免疫増強効果
- LAMP法によるIHHNウイルスの迅速・定量検出
- ケモカイン遺伝子接種後のヒラメ白血球の貧食活性
- Leaf-litter decomposition of 15 tree species in a lowland tropical rain forest in Sarawak : dynamics of carbon, nutrients, and organic constituents
- Leaf-litter decomposition of 15 tree species in a lowland tropical rain forest in Sarawak : decomposition rates and initial litter chemistry
- Antioxidative Activity of Philippine Salt-Fermented Shrimp and Variation of Its Constituents during Fermentation
- Localization of Diaminopimelate Decarboxylase Activity in the Centrifuged Fractions of the Homogenate of Rumen Protozoon, Entodinium caudatum
- Localization of Diaminopimelate Decarboxylase Activity in the Centrifuged Fractions of the Homogenate of Rumen Protozoon, Entodinium caudatum
- テラピア好中球における酸素依存性殺菌活性
- 緑茶茶がら抽出物のタラ肝油に対する抗酸化作用
- コイおよびマダイにおける炎症性好中球の生体防御活性の動態
- ニホンザルに寄生する Streptopharagus pigmentatus の生活史
- Use of an antifungal drug, amphotericin B for isolation of thraustochytrids(METHODS)
- 植物による雑草防除に関する基礎的研究 : 第3報:アルファルファペッレトが暖地の水田雑草の発生に及ぼす影響
- ブリ血管内吸虫はレンサ球菌による死亡を助長する
- DHA強化クロレラ Chlorella vulgaris K-22 によるワムシ培養と栄養強化