Faculty of Agriculture, Kinki University | 論文
- 24-6 Degradation of Selected Chemical Characters of Soils during 1967-1995 in Bangladesh
- Change of Meat Quality in Tiger Puffer During Frozen Storage
- Effect of inhabited sea area on chub mackerel meat texture and possible degradation of type V collagen during chilled storage
- Effect of inhabited sea area on meat firmness and its post-mortem change in chub mackerel during chilled storage
- Oscillations in the TP-D Machine
- 11 Distribution of TC and TN in soils in relation to soil erosion status in Sumani watershed, West Sumatra Indonesia
- Partial cDNA sequence of a relaxin-like factor (RLF) receptor, LGR8 and possible existence of the RLF ligand-receptor system in goat testes
- Differences of Fluorine in Cements Determined by Photometric Methods after Distillation and Pyrolysis
- 遮光条件下におけるチェリモヤの葉内クロロフィル含量・葉形態・新梢生長・葉のガス交換および果実生産の日本におけるビニルハウス内での反応
- Soil Degradation during the Period 1967-1995 in Bangladesh : III. Particle Size Distribution
- 木材棲息菌類によるα-oxo-γ-methylthiobutyric acidからのエチレンの発生力とリグニンモデル化合物の分解について〔英文〕
- 木材防腐防徽剤としての4-クロロフェニール・3-ヨードプロパルギルポルマールの抗菌効力性と耐候性について(化学物質・薬剤)
- 木材腐朽における微生物遷移と相互作用-4-建築物の床下でのステ-クテストにより分離された真菌類の分解力について
- キノコ栽培における害菌の防除に関する研究-1-各種殺菌剤(食品保存剤)の害菌防除効果について (きのこ特集)
- Influence of Sowing Time and Nitrogen Topdressing at the Flowering Stage on the Yield and Pod Character of Green Soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merrill)(Agronomy)
- Helical Propensity of Pipecolic Acid in Collagen Model Peptides
- STAGES OF EARLY EMBRYONIC DEVELOPMENT IN WILLOW MINNOW, GNATHOPOGON CAERULESCENS(Developmental Biology,Abstracts of papers presented at the 75^ Annual Meeting of the Zoological Society of Japan)
- In Situ Hybridization Detection of mRNA in a Filamentous Phytopathogenic Fungus, Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. lycopersici, by Pricking Microinjection of Photobiotin-labeled Antisense RNA Probe
- Accumulation of Tryptamine in Barley Leaves Irradiated with UV Light
- Drift Motion and Instability of a Plasma Injected into a Curved Magnetic Field