Faculty Of Integrated Arts And Sciences The University Of Tokushima | 論文
- Unusual Electronic State of the Low-Carrier System CeSb under High Pressure Studied by Simultaneous Measurement of Electrical Resistivity and Lattice Parameter(Condensed matter: electronic structure and electrical, magnetic, and optical properties)
- Novel Magnetic Structure of the Low Carrier System CeP and CeAs under External Fields
- Pressure Effects on Crystal Electric Field Excitations in Ultra-Low-Carrier Kondo-Lattice Systems CeP and CeAs
- MCD Study on Materials without Magnetic Order
- Studies on the Constituents of Solanum Plants. V. The Constituents of S. lyratum THUNB. II
- 8p-CD-6 Fragmentation of the stretched 7^+and stretched 4-statea inNi isotopes.
- 1p-PS-17 RAIDEN用1.8mSWP.Cの使用の試み
- 30p-EC-8 (p^^-,^3He)反応による深部2空孔状態の探索
- 4a-BF-5 (p^^→, d)反応によるMo, Pd奇同位体核のレベル構造 : 単空孔状態分布のデータ処理
- 12p-KB-7 Self-Quenching Streamer Modeによる位置検出
- 11a-KB-3 ^Sn(p,d)反応 : 深部空孔状態のSpectroscopic Strength Functions
- 30a-KM-11 ^Mo(P^^→, d)反応による^Moレベル構造
- Revision of the Structures of Isodonal, Rabdolasional and Related Diterpenoids
- Studies on the Diterpenoid Constituents of Rabdosia ternifolia : Structural Elucidation of New Diterpenoids, Rabdoternins A, B and C
- Studies on the Blue Pigments Produced from Genipin and Methylamine. II .On the Formation Mechanisms of Brownish-Red Intermediates Leading to the Blue Pigment Formation
- Studies on the Blue Pigments Produced from Genipin and Methylamine. I. Structures of the Brownish-Red Pigments, Intermediates Leading to the Blue Pigments
- 75 Genipinとアミノ酸より生成するPseudoazulene骨格をもつ青色々素の構造に関する研究
- Studies on Monoterpene Glucosides and Related Natural Products. XXXIX. Biogenetic-type Transformation of Geniposide into Plumieride
- Unconventional Heavy-Fermion Superconductivity of a New Transuranium Compound NpPd_5Al_2(Condensed matter: electronic structure and electrical, magnetic, and optical properties)
- Surperconductivity of CeRhIn_5 under High Pressure