Faculty Of Engineering Yamanashi University | 論文
- 28pTE-11 磨り潰しによる完全不斉な結晶成長(28pTE 結晶成長,領域9(表面・界面,結晶成長))
- 21pVC-7 揺動に誘起される開放系でのキラル対称性の破れの増大(21pVC 確率過程・確率モデル,領域11(統計力学,物性基礎論,応用数学,力学,流体物理))
- NORDITAプログラム「完全不斉の起源」に参加して(会員の声)
- 23aWE-10 揺動に誘起されたホモキラル化(確率過程・確率モデル,領域11,統計力学,物性基礎論,応用数学,力学,流体物理)
- Effect of Measurement Error of Cardiotocograph to Spectral Analysis : Medical Ultrasonics
- A 2-D Adaptive Joint-Process Lattice Estimator for Image Restoration
- 2-D Adaptive Autoregressive Modeling Using New Lattice Structure (Special Section on Digital Signal Processing)
- Proposal of New Coefficient Indicating Generation of Air-Entraining Vortices
- Improved Confinement of Neon Plasma Inside a High-T_c Superconducting Tube
- Slip Bands and Other Phenomena at the Early Stages of Fatigue in Copper
- A Finite Element Approach to Dynamic Characteristics of Helical Spring : Free Vibration
- Particle Acceleration by Longitudinal Field in Two Superposed Laser Beams
- Effects of visual information on auditory presence
- Psychological factors involved in auditory presence
- Sound Quality of Two-tone Complex Sounds with Different Overall Loudness
- Perception of the Quality of Sound Amplitude-modulated with Triangular Waves
- 《座談会》研究評価のあり方 (特集:学術研究と評価)
- Effect of Coating on the Blue-Green Color Imparted to LiNbO_3 by Cu Ion Implantation
- X-Ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy Study of Cu Implanted in LiNbO_3
- Evidence of Small Component Effects of Constituent Quark Spinors