Faculty Of Engineering University Of Tokyo | 論文
- An Evaluation of Creep-fatigue Behavior of 304 Stainless Steel in a Very High Vacuum Environment
- Electron Transport Properties of Ga_xIn_Sb Calculated by the Monte Carlo Method
- Warm Working of Metals and Alloys
- Jet Noise : Far Noise Field of Subsonic Free Air Jet
- A Study on the Hydrodynamic Instability in Boiling Channels : 4th Report, Experimental Results
- A Study on the Hydrodynamic Instability in Boiling Channels : 1st Report, The Instability in a Single Boiling Channel
- Three-Dimensional Stress Analysis of Rotating Compound Cylinders
- On Shrink-Fit Stresses between an Infinite Cylinder and a Finite Hollow Cylinder
- An Analysis of the Lateral Hunting Motion of a Two-Axle Railway Wagon by Digital Simulation : 2nd Report, The Results of the Simulation Experiments
- An Analysis of the Lateral Hunting Motion of a Two-Axle Railway Wagon by Digital Simulation : 1st Report, The Outline of the Mathematical Model
- Study of Critical Flow : Completely Separated Gas-Liquid Two-Phase Flow
- Dynamics of Compressible Saturated Two-Phase Flow : Critical Flow
- Nucleate and Transition Boiling in a Narrow Space between Two Horizontal, Parallel Disk-Surfaces
- Peculiarity of Evaporating Liquid-Surface with Reference to Turbulent Heat Transfer
- Dynamics of Compressible Saturated Two-Phase Flow : Critical Flow-sequel, and Flow in a Pipe
- Improvement of the Superconducting Magnetic Levitation System for an Absolute Determination of the Magnetic Flux Quantum
- A Study of an Absolute Determination of the Magnetic Flux Quantum Using a Superconducting Levitation System
- Structure Design Fused with Electronic Devices of Holonic Manipulator
- A Method for Objective Assessment of Mental Work
- Determinants of Farmers' Participation in Farmers-Agribusiness Linkage and Its Implication for Income Distribution in Sri Lanka--A Case Study of Hybrid Maize Production (個別報告の部 〔地域農林経済学会〕大会個別報告論文)