Faculty Of Agriculture Hokkaido University | 論文
- A compound-specific n-alkane δ13C and δD approach for assessing source and delivery processes of terrestrial organic matter within a forested watershed in northern Japan
- Developing SNP markers and DNA typing using multiplexed single nucleotide primer extension (SNuPE) in Paraserianthes falcataria
- 日本における森林生態系の物質循環と森林施業との関わり
- PCR法を用いたカイコ病原ウイルス遺伝子の検出
- Influence of arsenic stress on synthesis and localization of low-molecular-weight thiols in Pteris vittata
- モグラ類における遺存個体群とその維持機構
- 日本産食虫類の種名の検討
- Neutral rhizoplane pH of local rice and some predominant tree species in South and Central Kalimantans : a possible strategy of plant adaptation to acidic-soil
- Analysis of Diversity of Diazotrophic Bacteria Associated with the Rhizosphere of a Tropical Arbor, Melastoma malabathricum L.
- Element interconnections in Lotus japonicus : A systematic study of the effects of element additions on different natural variants(Plant Nutrition)
- Sago (Metroxylon sagu Rottb.) growth is affected by weeds in a tropical peat swamp in Thailand(Plant Nutrition)
- Screening of phosphate-solubilizing microorganisms in rhizosphere and rhizoplane of adverse soil-adapting plants in Southern Thailand
- Role of Phospho enol pyruvate Carboxylase in the Adaptation of a Tropical Forage Grass to Low-Phosphorus Acid Soils
- The Function of a Maize-Derived Phosphoenolpyruvate Carboxylase (PEPC) in Phosphorus-Deficient Transgenic Rice (Plant Nutrition)
- E205 オノエヤナギに含まれるヤナギルリハムシの摂食刺激物質(生理活性物質)
- 天蚕の遺伝解析に用いる飼育システムの構築
- 天蚕の簡便な大量採卵法
- オノエヤナギの主要な抗菌物質Ampelopsinとそのメチル化物
- 北海道北部の天然林生態系における窒素循環プロセスの特性
- Growth Characteristics of Two Promising Tree Species for Afforestation, Birch and Larch in the Northeastern Part of Asia