Equine Research Institute Japan Racing Association | 論文
- Development of a Genotyping Method for Streptococcus equi Subsp. equi Using SeM genotypes, and its Application to Epidemiology
- Characteristic of Inflammatory Airway Disease in Japanese Thoroughbred Racehorses
- Characteristic of Inflammatory Airway Disease in Japanese Thoroughbred Racehorses
- Clinical Application of Chromogranin A as an Indicator of Stress : Changes in Autonomic Nervous Activity During Copulatory Behavior in Stallions
- Demographic Analysis of Breeding Structure in Japanese Thoroughbred Population
- Gene dropping analysis of ancestral contributions and allele survival in Japanese Thoroughbred population
- Heart Rates and Blood Lactate Response in Thoroughbred Horses during a Race
- Assessment of Autonomic Activity in Racehorses Using an Index Calculated from Heart Rate Recovery after Exercise (T)
- 心臓疾患により肺水腫を招いた競走馬の一症例
- Effect of Exercise on the Apparent Energy Digestibility of Timothy and Alfalfa Hay in Thoroughbred Horses
- Epidemiological Analysis of a Herd Infected with Strangles by Imported Carrier Horses
- Antimicrobial Susceptibility of Rhodococcus equi Isolated from Foals and Incidence of In Vitro Resistant
- Usefulness of Serum Amyloid A (SAA) Measurement as an Inflammatory Marker for Bacterial Pneumonia
- トレ-ニング強度の違いが若馬の呼吸循環機能におよぼす影響
- 騎乗馴致が若馬の呼吸循環機能におよぼす影響
- A Thoroughbred Showing Development Disorder in the Pudendal Cleavage due to Chromosomal Mosaicism
- The Effects of Incline on Cardiopulmonary Function during Exercise in the Horse
- 新奇環境刺激がサラブレッドの神経内分泌系に与える影響
- Diurnal Variations of Blood Constituents in Young Thoroughbred Horses
- 日本で発生したオーストラリア型鶏跛に類似した鶏跛について