- 論文の詳細を見る
- 日本ウマ科学会の論文
- 2002-09-01
KAI Makoto
Equine Research Institute, Japan Racing Association
Equine Research Institute
Takahashi Toshiyuki
Equine Research Institute
Eto D
Japan Racing Assoc. Tochigi Jpn
Eto Daisuke
Equine Research Institute
Equine Research Institute, Japan Racing Association
Kusunose Ryo
Equine Research Institute
Yoshihara Toyohiko
Equine Research Institute Japan Racing Association
Yoshihara Toyohiko
Equine Reseach Institute Japan Racing Association
Endo Yuka
Equine Research Institute Japan Racing Association
Kai Makoto
Equine Research Institute
Aoki Osamu
Education Center Of Japan Farriers Association
Yoshihara T
Equine Research Institute Japan Racing Association
Equine Research Institute, Japan Racing Association
Kitamura Masaaki
Equine Research Institute Japan Racing Association
Kitamura Masaaki
Equine Research Institute
Takahashi Toshiyuki
Equine Research Institute Japan Racing Association
Kusunose Ryo
Equine Res. Inst. Japan Racing Assoc.
高橋 敏之
Equine Research Institute, Japan Racing Association
北村 正明
Equine Research Institute, Japan Racing Association
遠藤 由佳
Equine Research Institute, Japan Racing Association
- Effects of Caffeine on Performance, Cardiorespiratory Function and Plasma Hormonal Responses during Exhaustive Treadmill Exercise in the Throughbred Horse
- Plasma Catecholamine, Adrenocorticotropin and Cortisol Responses to Exhaustive Incremental Treadmill Exercise of the Thoroughbred Horse
- A Case in which Nodular Productive Necrotic Inflammation of the Small Intestine Developed from Ectopia Colic
- Clinical Pathological Study of a Case of Pneumonia in which Obligate Anaerobes were Isolated
- Ultrastructural Analysis of Tendon Cells in the Superficial Digital Flexor Tendons of Horses
- A Gross Study of Lamellar Wedge Development in Equine Laminitis
- 輸送直後に発症した蹄骨垂直性掌側変位(sinker)を伴う蹄葉炎1例の臨床および病理学的観察
- Clinico-Pathological Effects of Atmospheric Ammonia Exposure on Horses
- 脾臓摘出が運送負荷時のサラブレッドの血漿パプトグロビン組成に及ぼす影響
- Effects of Bedding Material on the Lying Behavior in Stabled Horses
- MMR-MS Imaging Analysis of Moisture Pattern in the Hoof Wall
- Double DCP Fixation for the Spiral Tibial Fracture of a Racehorse
- The Impact of Adhensive Shoeing on Hoof Movement
- Development of a Device for Measuring the Motion of Eyelids and Eyeballs in Domestic Animals
- Development of a Device for Measuring the Motion of Eyelids and Eyeballs in Domestic Animals
- 65.HIistochemical and biochemical properties of gluteus medius muscle in the thoroughbred and the trainability
- The Effect of Late Hoof Trimming on the Racing Form of Racehorses
- Effects of Exercise on Density and Osmotic Fragility of Circulating Red Cells in Normal and Splenectomized Thoroughbred Horses
- Effects of Splenectomy for Osmotic Fragility of Circulating Red Cells in Thoroughbred Horses during Exercise
- Effects of Splenic Erythrocytes and Blood Lactate Levels on Osmotic Fragility of Circulating Red Cells in Thoroughbred Horses during Exercise
- 競走馬の有酸素運動能力評価におけるエクイパイロットの有効性
- 輸送ストレスが雌馬のLHおよびFSH分泌に及ぼす影響について;予備的検討
- Changes in the heart rate and plasma epinephrine and norepinephrine concentrations of the stallion during copulation
- Running Form Characteristics of the Triple Crown Winner in Japan
- Characteristic of Inflammatory Airway Disease in Japanese Thoroughbred Racehorses
- Characteristic of Inflammatory Airway Disease in Japanese Thoroughbred Racehorses
- Clinical Application of Chromogranin A as an Indicator of Stress : Changes in Autonomic Nervous Activity During Copulatory Behavior in Stallions
- 競走馬の調教運動時における心臓突然死の病理学的および心電図学的検索
- Heart Rates and Blood Lactate Response in Thoroughbred Horses during a Race
- Association between Track Surface Used in Training and the Injury of Superficial Digital Flexor Tendon in Thoroughbred Race Horses
- Assessment of Autonomic Activity in Racehorses Using an Index Calculated from Heart Rate Recovery after Exercise (T)
- The Impact of Inclination on Muscle Fiber Recruitment Patterns
- Effect of Uphill Tracks on the Force Applied to the Superficial Digital Flexor Tendon at Trotting and Cantering
- Study of Characteristics of New Polytrack Courses from their Impact on the Horse : Comparison with Characteristics of Other Courses
- A Case of Pulmonary Edema Induced by Heart Disease
- トレ-ニング強度の違いが若馬の呼吸循環機能におよぼす影響
- 騎乗馴致が若馬の呼吸循環機能におよぼす影響
- Water Contents of the Hoof Bearing Border in Horses at the Joban Branch of the JRA Equine Research Institute
- For More Efficient Breeding of Light Horses : Adjustment of Ovulation Time Using Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (hCG)
- Adaptability to Environmental Novel Stress in Thoroughbred Horses
- The Effects of Incline on Cardiopulmonary Function during Exercise in the Horse
- サラブレッドの浅指屈筋腱の運動時温度上昇と脚部冷却シートの作用
- Effects of feeding methods on eating frustration in stabled horses
- 拘束せずに輸送した場合の車輌内における馬の行動
- Some Epidemiological Aspects of Equine Respiratory Disease Associated with Transport
- 新奇環境刺激がサラブレッドの神経内分泌系に与える影響
- Diurnal Variations of Blood Constituents in Young Thoroughbred Horses
- 日本で発生したオーストラリア型鶏跛に類似した鶏跛について
- Microbiological and Cytological Analysis of Guttural Pouch Lavages Obtained from Apparently Healthy Thoroughbreds
- 輸送熱発症馬の末梢血内に検出された神経成長因子活性
- 流産馬胎子の巨細胞を伴う特発性間質性肺炎の1例
- Frequency Spectral Evaluation about Hemoglobin Kinetics of Pedal Circulation Attend to Laminar Layer with Near Infrared Spectroscopy in Sound Horse
- The Effect of 5-Hydroxyptamine Receptor Agonists on Intestinal Motility in Conscious Horses
- ウマの空腸,盲腸および右腹側結腸の収縮運動に対するキシラジンおよびメデトミジンの及ぼす影響の相違
- The Effect of Long Slow Distance Training on Aerobic Work Capacity in Young Thoroughbred Horses
- Effect of Controlled Exercise on Middle Gluteal Muscle Fiber Composition in Thoroughbred Foals
- Comparison of the Method of Cold Therapy to Equine Limbs after Training, with the Aim of Preventing Tendinitis
- 競走馬の骨折肢にみられた軟部組織病変
- Easy Method for Measuring the Water Content (%) of the Hoof Horn
- Alteration of Blood Lactate During Intermittent Training of Thoroughbreds
- Study on Effective Warm-Up Methods for Racehorses : Warming Up in Cold Conditions
- The Relationship of the Modulus of Elasticity and Cross Sectional Area of the Superficial Digital Flexor Tendon in Racehorses to Their Exercise History
- Application of Hinge Spring Shoes to Contracted Feet in Yearlings
- Characteristics of Respiratory Function during Swimming Exercise in Thoroughbreds.
- Measurement of Erythrocyte Volumes in Splenectomized Horses and Sham-Operated Horses at Rest and during Maximal Exercise.
- Development of a Device for Measuring the Motion of Eyelids and Eyeballs in Domestic Animals