Departmento de Fisica, Universidade de Coimbra | 論文
- First-Order Quark-Hadron Phase-Transition in a NJL-Type Model for Nuclear and Quark Matter : The Case of Symmetric Nuclear Matter(Nuclear Physics)
- Approach to a Fermionic SO(2N+2) Rotator Based on the SO(2N+1) Lie Algebra of the Fermion Operators (arXiv:1010.1642v1)
- A Refined Numerical Result on the First Excitation Energy in the Two-Level Pairing Model(Nuclear Physics)
- Classical and Quantal Descriptions of Small Amplitude Fluctuations around Equilibriums in the Two-Level Pairing Model(Nuclear Physics)
- The Lipkin Model in Many-Fermion System as an Example of the su(1, 1) ⊗ su(1, 1)-Algebraic Model(Nuclear Physics)
- A Note on the Two-Level Pairing Model Obeying the su (2) ⊗ su (2)-Algebra : Re-formation in Terms of the su (1, 1) ⊗ su (1, 1)-Algebra(Nuclear Physics)
- A New Boson Realization of the Two-Level Pairing Model in a Many-Fermion System and Its Classical Counterpart : The Role of the su (2) ⊗ su (1, 1)-Coherent State in the Schwinger Boson Representation for the su (2) ⊗ su (2)-Algebra(Nuclear P
- Note on Many-Quark Model with su(4) Algebraic Structure(Nuclear Physics)
- Reply to "Comment on 'Time evolution of the fluid flow at the top of the core. Geomagnetic jerks' by M. Le Huy, M. Mandea, J. -L. Mouel, and A. Pais"
- On the Exact Eigenstates and the Ground States Based on the Boson Realization for Many-Quark Model with su(4) Algebraic Structure(Nuclear Physics)
- Many-Quark Model with su(4) Algebraic Structure : An Example of Analytically Soluble Many-Fermion System(Nuclear Physics)
- Semi-Classical Approach to the Two-Level Pairing Model : Various Aspects of Phase Change(Nuclear Physics)
- Boson Realization of the su (3)-Algebra. IV : Holstein-Primakoff Representation for the Elliott Model (Nuclear Physics)
- Boson Realization of the su (3)-Algebra. III : Schwinger Representation for the Elliott Model (Nuclear Physics)
- Boson Realization of the su(3)-Algebra. II : Holstein-Primakoff Representation for the Lipkin Model(Nuclear Physics)
- Boson Realization of the su(3)-Algebra. I : Schwinger Representation for the Lipkin Model(Nuclear Physics)
- The Lipkin Model in the su(M+1)-Algebra for Many-Fermion System and Its Counterpart in the Schwinger Boson Representation(Nuclear Physics)
- A Possible Boson Realization of the so(4)-and the so(3, 1)-Algebra : In Relation to the Runge-Lenz-Pauli Vector(Nuclear Physics)
- A Note on the Eigenvalue Problem in the su(1, 1)-Algebra(Nuclear Physics)
- On the Eigenvalue Problem of the su(1,1)-Algebra and the Coupling Scheme of Two su(1,1)-Spins(Nuclear Physics)