Department of Urology, Shinshu University School of Medicine | 論文
- Expression of α1-Adrenergic Receptor Subtypes and Angiotensin II Type 1 Receptor in the Prostate of Spontaneously Hypertensive Rats
- Enhanced continent mechanism of the tapered ileum by extramural support of pouch-abdominal wall
- Rupture of urachal diverticulum in radiation cystitis and neurogenic bladder dysfunction after radical hysterectomy
- Guidelines for management of urinary incontinence
- Evidence-based meta-analysis of pharmacotherapy for benign prostatic hypertrophy
- Infrequent Somatic Mutation of the MTS1 Gene in Primary Bladder Carcinomas
- Clinical guideline for male lower urinary tract symptoms
- Clinical guidelines for overactive bladder
- Hydrogen peroxide-induced cellular injury is associated with increase in endogenous fluorescence from rat gastric mucosal epithelial cell culture : A new method for detecting oxidative cellular injury by fluorescence measurement
- Experience with flexible video cystoscope equipped with built-in high-frequency cauterizing element for transurethral resection of the bladder
- Flexible video cystoscope with built-in high-frequency cauterizing element for transurethral resection of bladder tumor
- Incontinent Ileal Tube Repaired by Infolding with the Ileal Pouch Wall
- Relationship between Resistance to Bacterial Wilt and Nutrient Uptake in Tomato Seedlings
- Large renal aneurysm successfully treated by percutaneous embolization using detachable steel coils
- Future research needs for the definition/diagnosis of interstitial cystitis
- 本邦の黒鉱型鉱床における褐色黒鉱の産出
- Vertical and horizontal variations of the fast neutron flux in a single irradiation capsule and their signficance in the laser-heating ^Ar/^Ar analysis : Case study for the hydraulic rabbit fcility of the JMTR reactor, Japan
- Resection of local recurrence of renal cell carcinoma in a hemodialysis patient 6 years after radical nephrectomy
- Relapsed prostate cancer with neuroendocrine differentiation and high serum levels of carcinoembryonic antigen without elevation of prostrate-specific antigen : A case report
- Thrombolytic therapy for traumatic unilateral renal artery thrombosis