Department of Physics, University of Tokyo | 論文
- Thermodynamic Approach to Glass Transitions of Plastically Crystalline Cyanoadamantane and Isocyanocyclohexane
- Measurements of Neutron Fluence from the Hiroshima Atomic Bomb
- Calculations of Electromagnetic Properties by a (0+2)〓ω Shell Model (不安定核の構造と反応)
- Comparison of Five Evaluation Methods of Residual Stress in a Welded Pipe Joint
- Vacuum Structure around Identity-Based Solutions(Particles and Fields)
- Relationship between dietary habits and urinary concentrations of 3-phenoxybonzoic acid in a middle-aged and elderly general population in Japan
- Open String Field Theory around Universal Solutions
- Theory of Two-Dimensional Classical Electron Plasma
- Dielectric Response Function of Electron Liquids. II : Static Properties
- Thermodynamic Properties of Surface Layer of Classical Electrons
- Sum-Rule Analysis of Long-Wavelength Excitations in Electron Liquids
- Dielectric Response Function of Electron Liquids. III : Numerical Investigation of Static Properties
- X-Ray Spectral Variability of the Seyfert Galaxy NGC 4051 Observed with Suzaku
- X-Ray Absorption Study of the Metal-Nonmetal Transition in NiS and Ni_M_xS (M=Fe and Co)
- Nd Ion Doping Effects on the Multipolar Interactions in CeB_6(Condensed Matter : Electronic Structure, Electrical, Magnetic and Optical Properties)
- Appearance of the Phase IV in Ce_xLa_B_6 at x ∼ 0.8
- Local Symmetry and Crystalline Field Effects in Charge-Ordered Yb_4As_3 : Condensed Matter: Electronic Properties, etc.
- Field-Induced Gap Formation in Yb_4As_3
- XMM-Newton Observations of G32.45+0.1 and G38.55+0.0 : Diffuse Hard X-Ray Sources Found by the ASCA Galactic Plane Survey
- A Diffuse X-Ray Source, AX J1843.8-0352 : Association with the Radio Complex G28.6-0.1 and Identification of a New Supernova Remnant