Department of Physics, Meisei University | 論文
- The SUBARU Deep Field Project : Lyman α Emitters at a Redshift of 6.6
- The Subaru Deep Field : The Optical Imaging Data
- The Discovery of Two Lyman α Emitters beyond Redshift 6 in the Subaru Deep Field
- Current Performance and On-Going Improvements of the 8.2m Subaru Telescope
- Three-Mirror Anastigmat Telescope with an Unvignetted Flat Focal Plane
- A Variation of Schwarzschild Telescope : Golden Section Solution with Two Concentric Spheres and Its Extension to Finite Distance Solutions
- Photoion-Yield Study of the ns-mp (n=3, 4, and 5) Autoionizing Resonances in Ca, Sr, and Ba Atoms(Atomic and Molecular Physics)
- Variation of 3s Photoionization Resonance Structures in a Serial Atomic Number Species Ar, K, and Ca
- Long-Time Average of Field Measured by an Ornstein-Uhlenbeck Wanderer(General)
- Long-Time Average of Field Measured by a Brownian Wanderer : The Case in 3-Dimensions (General)
- Long-time Average of Field Measured by a Two-Dimensional Brownian Wanderer (General)
- Absolute Total (Counting) and Charge-Separated Partial Cross-Sections for Electron Impact Ionization of La, Pr, Ho, Tm, and Lu Atoms(Atomic and Molecular Physics)
- Electron Temperature of Solar Flares Derived from Helium-Like Sulphur Lines
- Electron Impact Emission of N_2 2P(v', v") Bands Studied under Single-Collision Condition(Atomic and Molecular Physics)
- Dispersion Relations for the Electromagnetic Form Factors as a Synthesis of Hadron and Quark Dynamics : Particles and Fields
- Uncorrelated Two Pion Effects in the Superconvergent Dispersion Relation for the Nucleon Electromagnetic Form Factors : Particles and Fields
- Dispersion Relation Analysis of the Nucleon Electromagnetic Form Factors with Uncorrelated ππ and KK^^- Pairs : Particles and Fields
- Superconvergent Dispersion Relation for the Boson Electromagnetic Form Factor : Particles and Feilds
- A Simple Composite Model Calculation for the Inelastic Structure Function
- Threshold Behavior of the Structure Functions in a Composite Model Field Theory