Department of Parasitology, Aichi Medical University School of Medicine | 論文
- フトゲツツガムシとタテツツガムシによるヒト皮膚炎の比較研究
- Distribution of filarial elephantiasis and hydrocele in Matara district, Sri Lanka, as reported by local leaders, and an immunological survey in areas with relatively high clinical rates
- Presence and gradual disappearance of filaria-specific urinary IgG4 in babies born to antibody-positive mothers : A 2-year follow-up study
- Statistical Diagnosis of Electrocardiogram by Theorem of Bayes : A Preliminary Report
- Exercise Test and Anoxia Test in the Diagnosis of Angina Pectoris : A Comparative Study
- Clinical Evalution of TH-24, a Newly Synthetized Xanthine Derivative, in the Treatment of the Coronary Artery Disease
- バンクロフト糸状虫感染率が、尿を検体とするIgG4 ELISAの結果と比較して異常な高値を示したICTテスト:タイ国において経験したICTテスト偽陽性例の検討