Department of Otolaryngology, School of Medicine, Keio University | 論文
- Familial Prostate Cancer in Four Brothers
- Effect of Sex Hormones on the Tissue Localization of Nuclear Estrogen Receptor Positively Stained Cells in the Seminal Vesicle of Immature Castrated Rats
- Eosinophils Infiltration in the Rat Seminal Vesicle Associated with Estradiol-17β-Related Stromal Proliferation
- ALTERATION OF POLARIZATION OF MURINE IMMUNE RESPONSIVENESS TO XENOGENEIC ERYTHROCYTE ANTIGENS IN VARYING A DOSE(Physiology,Abstracts of papers presented at the 76^ Annual Meeting of the Zoological Society of Japan)
- Phase I/II trial of weekly docetaxel and concomitant radiotherapy for squamous cell carcinoma of the head and neck
- Extended Middle Cranial Fossa Approach to Acoustic Neuroma : the Radiosurgery Controversy
- Evaluation of pre- and post-operative hearing results
- Measurement of tumor size
- Assessment of vertigo and disequilibrium
- Evaluation of pre- and post-operative tinnitus
- A case of delayed endolymphatic hydrops due to mumps viral infection treated with the Meniett device
- Transitional Cell Carcinoma in the Fossa Navicularis of the Male Urethra: A Case Report
- Contribution of Chloride Channel Conductance to the Regulation of Resting Membrane Potential in Chondrocytes
- Reconstructive surgery in the treatment of hypopharyngeal cancer.
- Laryngostrobovideography using a flexible laryngofiberscope performed in conjunction with the phonatory examination.
- 重心動揺計による動的平衡機能検査の試み (Foulage test)—めまい患者における検討—
- A clinical study on T1 glottic cancer treated by laser technique.
- A new microanalytical method for determination of hydroxyproline in connective tissues.
- Externally induced vibration on massive vocal fold.
- A basic study on the vocal fold vibration from the viewpoint of the layer system of the vocal fold.