Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Nagoya Institute of Technology | 論文
- Superconducting Bi_2Sr_2Ca_1Cu_2O_ Glass-Ceramics with Different Melting Histories
- 1. Stereotaxic Atlas of Cat Brain with Basal Horizontal Plane determined by Upper Margin of Orbit and Interaural Line
- 79. Bladder Function in Patients with Disturbance of Consciousness. A Consideration on Dysuria
- 40. Averaging Analysis of Pelvic Afferent Potentials in Upper Brain Stem
- Perpendicular Magnetic Anisotropy of Fe-Cr-N Films Prepared by DC Reactive Sputtering
- 2P308 Asp to Glu substitution in the cytoplasmic channel dramatically affects the photocycle of bacteriorhodopsin-like protein from a Eucaryote(41. Proton and ion pumping,Poster Session,Abstract,Meeting Program of EABS & BSJ 2006)
- Inhibition of hepatic metastasis in mice treated with cell-binding domain of human fibronectin and angiogenesis inhibitor TNP-470
- Gas Leakage Fault Detection of Pneumatic Pipe System Using Neural Networks
- Superconducting Glass-Ceramic Fine Rods in Bi_1Ca_1Sr_1Cu_2Al_O_x Prepared under a Temperature Gradient : T_c and the Texture of Specimen
- Electrical Percolation during Codeposition of Fe and Si Clusters by a Dual Source PGCCD System
- Thermoelectric Properties of NaCo_Cu_xO_4 Improved by the Substitution of Cu for Co : Structure and Mechanical and Thermal Properties of Condensed Matter
- Production of peritrichate bacterionanofibers and their proteinaceous components by Acinetobacter sp. Tol 5 cells affected by growth substrates(MICROBIAL PHYSIOLOGY AND BIOTECHNOLOGY)
- Synthesis and Thermal Behavior of Side-Chain Liquid Crystalline Aziridine Oligomers
- Influence of Gaseous Sulfur on CO Reduction of Wustite Added with Foreign Oxides
- Production of Iron Carbide from Iron Ores in a Fluidized Bed
- Influence of Gangue Species on Hydrogen Reduction Rate of Liquid Wustite in Gas-conveyed Systems
- Iron Carbide Synthesis by Reaction of Iron Ore with H_4-CH_2 Gas Mixtures Containing Traces of Sulfur
- Fine Structures of Proton Resonance Spectra of Fluorobenzene Derivatives
- Hydrogen Storage Properties and Phase Structures of Mg-Rich Mg-Pd, Mg-Nd and Mg-Pd-Nd Alloys
- Improvement of Hydrogen Storage Properties of Mg-Ni Alloys by Rare-Earth Addition