Department of Materials Science, University of Osaka Prefecture | 論文
- Superconductivity in the Pb_2Sr_La_xCu_2O_z System
- Single High-T_c Phase Region of the Bi-Pb-Sr-Ca-Cu-O System
- XPS Studies of Bi-Sr-Ca-Cu-O Single Crystal and Ceramics Surfaces
- Superconductivity in the Gd_La_xCe_yCuO_z System
- Superconducting 2201 Phase in the Bi_2Pr_xCa_CuO_z System
- Preparation of Superconducting 1201 Phase in the (Pb_Cu_y)Sr_La_xCuO_z System
- Nuclear Quadrupole Resonance of Cu in High-T_cBi-Pb-Sr-Ca-Cu-O
- Pb-Amount Dependence of Copper and Oxygen Valence in Pb-Doped Bi-Sr-Ca-Cu-O Superconductors
- Calculations of Fermi Surfaces and Enhanced Electronic Specific-Heat Coefficients in Cubic Laves-Phase Ce Compounds
- Crystal Structure of a New Pb-Based Copper Oxide Pb_2SrLaCu_2O_
- Superconductivity in the Bi_2Ln_xCa_Cu_2O_z (Ln=La, Pr, Nd, Sm, Eu and Gd) Systems
- The Phase Change Due to Oxygen Content in the LnBa_2Cu_3O_y Compound Systems (Ln = Tm, Gd, Sm)
- Surface Analysis of Single Crystals in the Bi-Sr-Ca-Cu-O System by Low-Energy Electron Diffraction and Auger Electron Spectroscopy
- Orthorhombic-Tetragonal Phase Boundary in YBa_2Cu_3O_ : Electrical Properties of Condensed Matter
- Phase Transition of Y_2BaCuO_5 : Condensed Matter
- The Orthorhombic to Tetragonal Transition under Controlled Oxygen Content in High-T_c Superconductor YBa_2Cu_3O_y : Electrical Properties of Condensed Matter
- Effect of Composition Change on Superconducting Properties in a Y-Ba-Cu-O Compound System
- Materials Design of 4d-Transition-Metal-Doped Transparent and Half-Metallic Ferromagnets with K_2S-Based Diluted Magnetic Semiconductors
- ESR and Nonresonant Microwave Absorption of ErBa_2Cu_3O_ and HoBa_2Cu_3O_ Single Crystals
- ESR and Nonresonant Microwave Absorption of YBa_2Cu_3O_ Single Crystal