Department of Forensic Medicine, Tokai University School of Medicine | 論文
- Tetrameric short tandem repeat (STR) system D15S233 (wg1d1) : Sequencing and frequency data in the Japanese and Chinese populations
- Evaluation of the paternity probability on an application of minisatellite variant repeat mapping using polymerase chain reaction (MVR-PCR) to paternity testing
- Evaluation of two new STR loci 9q2h2 and wg3f12 in a Japanese population
- Large-scale preparation of high-molecular weight DNA from buccal mucosa
- 運転中の突然死 : 神奈川県西部における症例の検討
- 脳死における脳内バルビツレート濃度の変動
- バルビツレートの脳波および聴性脳幹反応に及ぼす影響についての実験的研究
- 外傷性静脈洞血栓症の一例
- 脳死判定におよぼす生前薬物投与の影響について
- Plasma triglyceride-rich lipoprotein remnants as a risk factor of 'Pokkuri disease'
- Headspace solid-phase micro-extraction and gas chromatography with micro-electron capture detection for the measurement of p,p'-DDE in rat whole blood and hair
- Haploid allele mapping of Y-chromosome minisatellite, MSY1 (DYF155S1), to a Japanese population
- Temporal changes in testis weight during the past 50 years in Japan
- Solid-phase microextraction and gas chromatography-mass spectrometry analysis of p, p'-DDE in biological samples
- Sudden Death of a Cocaine Abuser
- プタをモデルとしたスクラーゼ・イソマルターゼの酵素免疫測定法による小腸穿通刃器の同定
- The Engorgement of the Great Veins and the Right Side of the Heart
- Role of Chyromicron Remnant in the Progression of Coronary Atherosclerosis
- SNP association and sequence analysis of the NOS1AP gene in SIDS
- A method for genotyping Y chromosome-linked DYS385a and DYS385b loci