Department of Food Science and technology, Tokyo University of Fisheries | 論文
- Characterization of Non-endcapped Polymeric ODS Column for the Separation of Triacylglycerol Positional Isomers
- 細菌の薬剤感受性を指標としたフローサイトメトリーによるアンピリシンの迅速検出とその水産養殖分野への応用
- Na^+チャネル阻害物質の活性測定用センサに用いたカエル膀胱膜の貯蔵条件
- Partial Characterization of cDNA Clones Encoding the Three Distinct Proα Chains of Type I Collagen from Rainbow Trout
- 海中養殖ギンザケのEIBSに関する病態生理学的研究
- Formation of Anomalous Defect Structure on GaSb Surface by Low Temperature Sn Ion-Implantation
- Spontaneous rupture of varicocele testis associated with advanced pancreatic cancer
- Interstitial laser coagulation for management of benign prostatic hyperplasia : Long-term follow-up
- Long-term treatment outcome of tamsulosin for benign prostatic hyperplasia
- Prostate-specific antigen doubling time among Japanese men in an annual health screening program
- Prevalence of and risk factors nocturia : Analysis of a health screening program
- Laparoscopic nephropexy : Treatment outcome and quality of life
- Traumatic bladder rupture managed successfully by laparoscopic surgery
- Effect of Modification of the Carboxyl Groups of the Sialic Acid Binding Lectin from Bullfrog(Rana catesbeiana)Oocyte on Anti-tumor Activity
- Enzyme sensor system for determination of total cholesterol in fish plasma
- Growth of Myctophum asperum (Pisces : Myctophidae) in the Kuroshio and transitional waters
- Daily growth increment formation and its lunar periodicity in otoliths of the myctophid fish Myctophum asperum (Pisces : Myctophidae)
- EIBS人工感染ギンザケの生化学的所見
- Predicting disease outcome of non-invasive transitional cell carcinoma of the urinary bladder using an artificial neural network model : Results of patient follow-up for 15 years or longer
- Ductal adenocarcinoma of the prostate associated with prostatic multilocular cyst