Department of English, Faculty of Education, Gunma University | 論文
- Some Earlier Views of Processing Difficulty Associated with Multiply Center-Embedded Sentences
- A Chronological List of the Works by W. H. Pater and Critical Studies in His Works (Foreign Books)
- Top-down Activities to Facilitate Bidirectional Reading Processing in the Japanese Lower Secondary E.F.L. Classroom
- College Students' Metacognitive Awareness of Global and Local Reading Strategies in Japanese as First Language and English as a Foreign Language
- Nathaniel Hawthorne's Tales : Objects and the Spectators' Orientations
- Coping with Rhetoric: "Communication" and "International Understanding"
- "The Artist of the Bearutiful" : A Serious Attempt at Synthesis of the Worlds Within and Without by the Paradigm of Puer Aeternus
- A Practical Study of Ways to Improve English Listening Comprehension in High School
- A Linguistic Analysis of Style of The Wife of Bath's Tale, The Shipman's Tale and The Manciple's Prologue and Tale