Department of Electro Photo Optics, Faculty of Engineering, Tokai University | 論文
- Correlation between glial fibrillary acidic protein-positive astrocytes and age in the human hippocampus
- Sulpiride for treatment of delusion of parasitosis
- Neuropathology of progressive supranuclear palsy
- Observation of the Initial Stage of Ion Assisted Deposition Films Using a Rotating-Analyzer Ellipsometer
- 回転移相子型偏光解析装置の測定精度に関する研究
- Four-detector photopolarimeter(FDP)の試作とその応用
- 金蒸着膜の成膜過程のエリプソメトリーによる観察
- Four Detector Polarimeter (FDP) の試作
- 老年期せん妄患者に対するクエチアピンの使用経験
- 43-year-old-man presenting repeated pathologic fractures of limbs, dementia and grand mal
- Clinical aspects of progressive supranuclear palsy
- 偏光解析法による蒸着薄膜の応力分布測定
- BaTiO_3結晶を用いた近赤外光による2光波混合
- Behavioral and developmental disorders among conduct disorder
- Introduction : Pick's disease and frontotemporal dementia
- A 74-year-old woman presenting slowly progressive dementia and emotional instability
- Abnormal glial cytoskeleton in progressive supranuclear palsy
- フェムト秒(fs)レーザー光伝導スイッチにより発生した電気信号の伝搬の検討
- 表面形状のための半導体レーザによるホログラム計測
- WS-5 Mental Health Care for the Elderly Women(ISPOG2007)