Department of Electrical Engineering Tokyo University of Science | 論文
- Multipath Interference Canceller Employing Multipath Interference Replica Generation with Previously Transmitted Packet Combining for Incremental Redundancy in HSDPA(Special Issue on Multiple Access and Signal Transmission Techniques for Future Mobile Com
- Antenna Diversity Reception Appropriate for MMSE Combining in Frequency Domain for Forward Link OFCDM Packet Wireless Access(Special Issue on Mobile Multimedia Communications)
- Pilot Channel Assisted MMSE Combining in Forward Link for Broadband OFCDM Packet Wireless Access(Special Section on Multi-dimensional Mobile Information Networks)
- Optimum Bandwidth per Sub-Carrier of Multicarrier/DS-CDMA for Broadband Packet Wireless Access in Reverse Link(Special Section on Multi-dimensional Mobile Information Networks)
- Comparison of Hybrid ARQ Packet Combining Algorithm in High Speed Downlink Packet Access in a Multipath Fading Channel(Special Section on Multi dimensional Mobile Information Networks)
- Comparison of Hybrid ARQ Schemes and Optimization of Key Parameters for High-Speed Packet Transmission in W-CDMA Forward Link (Special Section on Multi-dimensional Mobile Information Networks)
- Performance Evaluation of Coherent High-Speed TD-OFCDM Broadband Packet Wireless Access in Forward Link Employing Multi-Level Modulation and Hybrid ARQ (Special Section on Multi-dimensional Mobile Information Networks)
- A Scan-Based Attack Based on Discriminators for AES Cryptosystems
- X-Handling for Current X-Tolerant Compactors with More Unknowns and Maximal Compaction
- Unified Dual-Radix Architecture for Scalable Montgomery Multiplications in GF(P) and GF(2^n)
- A Unified Test Compression Technique for Scan Stimulus and Unknown Masking Data with No Test Loss
- A Secure Test Technique for Pipelined Advanced Encryption Standard
- Performance Comparison of Channel Interleaving Methods in Frequency Domain for VSF-OFCDM Broadband Wireless Access in Forward Link(Special Issue on Multiple Access and Signal Transmission Techniques for Future Mobile Communications)
- Absence of invariant natural killer T cells deteriorates liver inflammation and fibrosis in mice fed high-fat diet
- Scan-Based Side-Channel Attack against RSA Cryptosystems Using Scan Signatures
- Phase Rotation for Constructing Uniform Frequency Spectrum in IFDMA Communication
- Relay Method of Sending Soft Decision Symbol Based on the Result of Error Detecting Code in Cooperative Communication(OFDM/Relay, Wideband Systems)
- A Hardware/Software Cosynthesis System for Digital Signal Processor Cores (Special Section on VLSI Design and CAD Algorithms)
- A Depth-Constrained Technology Mapping Algorithm for Logic-Blocks Composed of Tree-Structured LUTs (Special Section on Selected Papers from the 11th Workshop on Circuits and Systems in Karuizawa)
- A Fast Scheduling Algorithm Based on Gradual Time-Frame Reduction for Datapath Synthesis