Department of Earth Sciences, Faculty of Science, Kanazawa University | 論文
- Relation between similar aftershocks and ruptured asperity of a large inland earthquake : Example of the 2007 Noto Hanto earthquake
- Igneous rocks emplacement and exhumation of sedimentary basement : Fission track age determination on the Osuzuyama volcano- plutonic complex and surrounding rocks, Miyazaki prefecture, Southwest Japan
- Microbial Formation of Imogolite(Clay-Biology Interface,Proceedings of the 13^ International Clay Conference)
- Structural anisotropy of biogenic silica in pennate diatoms under Fourier transform polarized infrared microspectroscopy
- X-Ray Single Crystal Studies of Olivines in Yamato-74354 and -74371 Meteorites
- Rayed craters on the far side of the Moon
- Spatial variation in shear wave splitting of the upper crust in the zone of inland high strain rate, central Japan
- Proof for Bio-sedimentation in Carajas's BIF (シンポジウム〔土壌生成における微生物の役割〕)
- 230Th-238U放射非平衡を用いた大山倉吉軽石の年代推定〔英文〕
- Late Quaternary Shorelines in the Japanese Islands (第13回INQUA大会特集号"日本における第四紀研究の進展")
- 日本海沿岸地域に発達する最上部新生界の石灰質微化石層序--佐渡島「沢根層」
- Holocene Raised Coral Reef on Senkaku Islands:An Active Remnant Arc
- Spatial variation in coda Q and stressing rate around the Atotsugawa fault zone in a high strain rate zone, central Japan