Department of Clinical Pharmacology, Tokai University School of Medicine | 論文
- Cysteinyl Leukotriene Receptor Antagonists Inhibit Tumor Metastasis by Inhibiting Capillary Permeability
- P1-18 Location-specific and task-dependent modulation of cutaneous reflexes in intrinsic human hand muscles(The Proceedings of the 12th Annual Meetings of Japan Society of Exercise and Sports Physiology)
- P1-14 Effect of experimental muscle pain on responses to transcranial magnetic stimulation during voluntary contraction(The Proceedings of the 12th Annual Meetings of Japan Society of Exercise and Sports Physiology)
- 2Q06 Nerve - specific modulation of SEPs during sustained submaximal contraction in the first dorsal interosseous muscles.
- 1P23 Effect of delayed onset muscle soreness on central and peripheral fatigue
- The serine racemase mRNA is predominantly expressed in rat brain neurons
- Posture- and Activity-Dependent Modulation for Visual Facilitation of the Soleus H-Reflex in Human Subjects
- 2-P-27 Modulation of the cutaneous reflexes involving lower limb muscles in subjects with ankle sprain(The Proceedings of the 17th Annual Meetings of Japan Society of Exercise and Sports Physiology Jury 25-26, (Tokyo))
- 231 Interaction between central and peripheral muscle fatigue during intermittent maximal voluntary contractions
- 1P-Y-05 Absence of phase modulation of short latency cutaneous reflex in the upper limb muscles during arm and leg pedaling(The Proceedings of the 16th Annual Meetings of Japan Society of Exercise and Sports Physiology August 2-3, (Nara))
- Possible association of human adrenoceptors polymorphism in neurally mediated syncope
- Reflex modulation during rhythmic limb movements in humans