Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science, kobe University | 論文
- Adsorption of Fluorescein Isothiocyanate Isomer-I (FITC-I) Dye on TiO_2(110) from an Acetone Solution
- Indication of Tunneling State of Hydrogen Atom in Hydrogen-Bonded Material 5-Bromo-9-hydroxyphenalenon Studied by X-ray and Neutron Diffractions(Condensed matter: structure and mechanical and thermal properties)
- Phase Transition Scheme of Isolated Hydrogen-bonded Material h-MeHPLN Studied by Neutron and X-ray Diffraction(Condensed Matter : Structure, Mechanical and Thermal Properties)
- Effects of Spaceflight on Enzyme Activities and Ultrastructure of Fast-Type Skeletal Muscles of Rats
- IPO-07 An unusual foreign body in an inguinal hernia sac(Intestinal tract/Hernia,Share Smiles with Sick Children, Dreams and Innovation for Pediatric Surgery)
- IPO-05 Patchy innervation in pull-through bowel of Hirschsprung's disease(Intestinal tract/Hernia,Share Smiles with Sick Children, Dreams and Innovation for Pediatric Surgery)
- Effects of Lipids and Related Compounds on the Production of Halophilic 5'-Nucleotidase and Nuclease H by a Moderate Halophile, Micrococcus varians subsp. halophilus
- P-082A Primary reduction and spontaneous sutureless closure of Gastroschisis using a wound retractor(International Session III, the 44th Annual Meeting of Japanese Society of Pediatric Surgeons)
- P-081A Application of a ring retractor system in pediatric general and urogenital surgery(International Session III, the 44th Annual Meeting of Japanese Society of Pediatric Surgeons)
- IS-7 Intussusception reduction by pediatric surgical team : How to improve safety and outcome(International Session2)
- P-006 Esophageal atresia associated with coarctation of the aorta, CHARGE association, and DiGeorge syndrome : A case report(Poster Presentation International Session 2,Better Life for Sick Children, Better Future for Pediatric Surgery,the 45th Annual Mee
- P-073A A Case of Covered Covered Cloacal Exstrophy(International Session I, the 44th Annual Meeting of Japanese Society of Pediatric Surgeons)
- IS-025 Long-term Outcome Hepatic Portoduodenostomy with Interposition of the Ileocecoappendix for Biliary Atresia(the 44th Annual Meeting of Japanese Society of Pediatric Surgeons)
- IS-019 "Intraluminal" Pyloric Duplication : A Case Report(the 44th Annual Meeting of Japanese Society of Pediatric Surgeons)
- Cytotoxicity of Triamcinolone on Cultured Human Retinal Pigment Epithelial Cells : Comparison with Dexamethasone and Hydrocortisone
- Method to determine stability and recovery of carboprost and misoprostol in infusion preparations
- Measuring triamcinolone acetonide in aqueous humor by gas chromatography-electron-capture negative-ion mass spectrometry
- Determination of catechins and catechin gallates in tissues by liquid chromatography with coulometric array detection and selective solid phase extraction
- Recipient non-hematopoietic bone marrow cells in the intestinal graft after fetal small intestinal transplantation
- IS-021 Recipient non-hematopoietic bone marrow cells in the intestinal graft after fetal small intestinal transplantation