Department of Applied Physics Tokyo Institute of Technology | 論文
- W309 生体情報に基づいたLEDホタルロボットの開発とその癒し効果(感性の評価)(シンポジウム : 福祉工学)
- 313 蛍光パターンにおけるゆらぎ現象について
- 1419 癒し空間創造へ向けたホタルの発光現象とそのスペクトル解析
- 1/f Resistance Fluctuation of a Carbon Fiber : General Physics
- 19pPSA-23 カーボンファイバーにおける抵抗1/fゆらぎ
- ホタルの発光パターンにおける1/f^nゆらぎ現象と癒し効果 : 機械力学,計測,自動制御
- Fractal Characters of 1/2-order Integration of White Noise and 1/f Resistance Fluctuation
- 28a-PS-67 細線抵抗における1/fゆらぎの研究
- 高分子ゲルの光学素子への応用
- 時間反転非対称性に着目した1/fゆらぎの解析
- 境界要素法による3次元比抵抗法のための効率的電位計算法 -多層構造中の3次元異常体-
- 境界要素法による3次元比抵抗法のための効率的電位計算手法
- Co-Infection of Human Metapneumovirus with Adenovirus or Respiratory Syncytial Virus among Children in Japan
- Critical Slow Conduction Zone Located between the Tricuspid Annulus and a Myocardial Infarct Scar in a Patient with Multiple Ventricular Tachycardia Late after Myocardial Infarction
- Lead Extractions are not Necessarily Required in the Treatment of Cases with Local Complications Unproven Resional/systemic Infection at the Pacemaker/implantable Cardioverter Defibrillator (ICD) Site
- PE-018 Radiofrequency Abliation of Right Ventricular Outflow Tachycardia: Difference of Elecrogram Caracteristics between Suprapulmonalic Valce and Right Ventricular Outflow Tract(Poster Session (English))
- Lifetime and Spin Relaxation Time Measurements of Micro-Fabricated GaAs Tips
- Nonmetal-Metal Transition in Expanded Selenium by the Spin Density Functional Method : Condensed Matter: Electronic Properties, etc.
- Nonmetal-Metal Transitions of Expanded and Compressed Selenium near the Liquid-Vapor Critical Point and under High Pressure
- Extramedullary Blast Crisis Derived from 2 Different Clones in the Central Nervous System and Neck during Complete Cytogenetic Remission of Chronic Myelogenous Leukemia Treated with Imatinib Mesylate