Department of Applied Physics Tokyo Institute of Technology | 論文
- Approximate Formula for Bulk Viscosity
- Examination of The Cevimeline Hydrochloride Hydrate Concomitant Hachiazule and Xylocaine Gargle Therapy(International Symposium of Maxillofacial and Oral Regenerative Biology in Okayama 2005)
- Wave Number Spectrum of Dissipative Structures in Nematic Liquid Crystals
- Scattering Intensity of Non-Crystalline Materials Including the Correlation between the Thermal Displacements
- Nilotinib as frontline therapy for patients with newly diagnosed Ph+ chronic myeloid leukemia in chronic phase : results from the Japanese subgroup of ENESTnd
- Proton NMR Study of Pyrochlore-Like Atacamite Mn2Cl(OH)3
- Single-Incision Laparoscopic Adrenalectomy for Primary Aldosteronism : Report of a Case
- Magnetic Properties and Current-Voltage Characteristics of Anisotropic Y_1Ba_2Cu_3O_ Native Barrier/Pb Josephson Planar Tunnel Junctions
- On the Spatial Correlations in Nonequilibrium Systems
- 1F1512 分子混み合いが細胞膜上シグナル伝達系に与える影響の理論的考察(数理生物学1,第49回日本生物物理学会年会)
- Effect of Electron Capture on Temperature and Chemical Composition in Collapsing Dense Stars
- Experimental Study on Evaporative Cooling and Bose–Einstein Condensation of Sodium Atoms
- Ramsey Spectroscopy and Geometric Operations on Sodium Bose–Einstein Condensates Using Two-Photon Stimulated Raman Transitions
- Formation of Self-Pumped Phase-Conjugate Mirror Using a Cu-Doped (K_0.5Na_0.5)_0.2(Sr_0.61Ba_0.39)_0.9Nb_2O_6 Crystal
- Intraoperative Endoscopic Sphincterotomy Using Rendezvous Technique for Choledocholithiasis with Peripapillary Duodenal Diverticula : A Case Report
- Electronic Wavelength Tuning of Tunable Laser with Acousto-Optic Tunable Filter
- Tight-Binding Electronic State Calculations of Silicon Nanostructures with Local Disorders: Origin of the `F' Band Luminescence From Porous Silicon
- Buerger's disease manifesting nodular erythema with livedo reticularis
- Diffraction of an Acoustic Wave by a Rigid Rectangular Plate
- The Relationship between the Metal-Nonmetal Transition and the Coordination Number in Divalent Systems