Department of Applied Physics,Waseda University | 論文
- The Synchronized Periodic Phenomenon in a Nonlinear Lattice Vibration
- External Disturbance to Non-Integrable Hamiltonian System
- Large Fluctuations in the Stationary-Nonstationary Chaos Transition(Condensed Matter and Statistical Physics)
- Frictional Properties of Helical Flagella
- Level Spacing Distribution and Avoided Crossing in Quantum Chaos
- How to Extract Regularity from Disguised Irregular Levels of Integrable Hamiltonian System
- Anomalous Diffusion in a Hamiltonian System
- Dynamical Systems That Produce the Levy Flights
- Weibull and Log-Weibull Laws in the Stationary-Nonstationary Chaos Transition Process : A Phenomenological Model of the Aftershock Statistics in Seismology(Oscillation, Chaos and Network Dynamics in Nonlinear Science)
- Indicators of Reconnection Processes and Transition to Global Chaos in Nontwist Maps : Condensed Matter and Statistical Physics