Department of Anatomy, Nihon University School of Dentistry at Matsudo | 論文
- Two dimensional analysis of the degree of calcification of new bones around implants(Poster Session,The 16th Annual Meeting of the Society for Hard Tissue Regenerative Biology in Matsumoto Dental University)
- Quantitative Radiographic Study of New Bone Formed Around The Implant Using a Parametric X-ray Method
- Micro-CT Analysis of Rabbit Cancellous Bone Around Implants
- Application of micro-CT to observe the tissue surrounding dental implants at rabbit's bone(15thAnnual Meeting of the Society for Hard Tissue Regenerative Biology,Session 2)
- Observation of Newly Formed Bone Around Implants Using Parametric X-ray
- サバイイ島(西サモア)産再野生化ブタの下顎骨に関する骨学的検討
- Application of High Resolution Microfocus X-ray CT for the Observation of Human Tooth
- Analysis of Liquid Specimen in a Glass Ampoule by 532nm Laser Micro-FT-Raman
- Intermittent Crystal Growth of Unusually Long Submandibular Sialolith Revealed by Micro-Focus-and Selected-Area-X-Ray Diffraction
- Tooth Size of Living Peoples in Western and Eastern Micronesian Populations
- Variations in Dental Enamel Crystallites and Micro-Structure
- 15. Analysis of tissue texture and component by means of micro FT-IR.
- Crystallographic Properties and Cell Affinity Study of Synthetic α-Tricalcium Phosphate, β-Tricalcium Phosphate, Tetracalcium Phosphate and Fluorapatite
- Mandibular permanent second molar with four roots and root canals : a case report
- Frequency of mandibular tori in the present-day Japanese
- A comparative study of dental arch and horizontal section of mandible in jomon and modern japanese using CT scanning
- Diffraction Enhanced Phase Contrast Imaging of a Kitten Deciduous Tooth using Coherent X-ray Source
- Tooth size in two Chinese Minorities, the Hani and Dai Tribes of Yunnan Province
- Morphological Study of the Dentino-enamel Junction of the Upper First Deciduous Molar
- Fabrication of LiTaO_3 Optical Waveguide by H^+ Exchange Method