Department of Advanced Sciences, Graduate University for Advanced Studies | 論文
- Prehistoric Sado Island Populations of Sus scrofa Distinguished from Contemporary Japanese Wild Boar by Ancient Mitochondrial DNA
- Ancient DNA Reveals Genetic Lineage of Sus scrofa among Archaeological Sites in Japan
- Morphological and genetic analysis of Vietnamese Sus scrofa bones for evidence of pig domestication
- 鳥浜貝塚出土(1985年調査)の哺乳類遺存体 (動物考古学の基礎的研究)
- 完新世ニホンイノシシの臼歯サイズにみられる時空間的変異
- Variation in Mitochondrial DNA of Vietnamese Pigs: Relationships with Asian Domestic Pigs and Ryukyu Wild Boars
- 由比ヶ浜南遺跡出土ウマ(Equus caballus)の形態
- ヒトコブラクダの家畜化と伝播
- mtDNA variation in Vietnamese pigs, with particular emphasis on the genetic relationship between wild boars from Vietnam and the Ryukyu Islands
- Introduction: Complex Hunter-Gatherer Studies in Japan and the North Pacific Rim
- A morphometric analysis of the Japanese macaque (Macaca fuscata) mandibular cheek teeth from the Torihama Shell-midden, Early Jomon Period, Fukui Prefecture, Japan
- ヤイラで過ごすトルコの夏
- 狩猟採集から食料生産への緩やかな移行 : 南東アナトリアにおける家畜化
- リチャード・ランガムに聞く--チンパンジーの社会システムにヒトの進化を探る (特集 類人猿--ヒトの隣りの「人類」)
- 新石器時代トルコ東南部における動物の利用と家畜化:チャユヌ遺跡出土の動物遺存体
- Meat Eating and Hunting: and Assessment based on Archaeological Evidence
- Characteristics and Mineralization Age of the Fukusen No. 1 Vein, Hishikari Epithermal Gold Deposits, Southern Kyushu, Japan
- mtDNA variation and human-mediated introgression of indigenous Sus populations on several Indonesian islands
- Morphological and molecular phylogenetic characteristics of dwarf Sus specimens from the Noguni shell middens in the Ryukyu Islands
- ドメスティケーションの考古学(SOKENDAI 先端研究)