Department Of Urology Oita University School Of Medicine | 論文
- Third Joint Meeting of the American Urological Association and the Japanese Urological Association International Program at the 103rd Annual Meeting of the American Urological Association at Orlando 2008
- High-dose chemotherapy with peripheral blood stem cell transplantation for advanced testicular cancer
- Inhibition of gluconeogenesis and p-aminohipuric acid accumulation in rat renal cortical slices by ionic and nonionic contrast media
- Antiproliferative Effect of Calcitriol on Human Prostatic Cancer Cell Lines: Unrelated to the Expression of Mmajor Histocompatibiility Complex Antigens or Intercellular Adhesion Molecule-1 (ICAM-1)
- Vanishing Hemangioma in the Renal Calyx : A Missed Lesion of Essential Renal Hematuria?
- Follow-up Study of Residual Stones after ESWL using the Piezolith 2500
- Laparoscopic Adrenalectomy Including Two Cases of Pheochromocytoma
- Clinical Experience with Extracorporeal Shock Wave Lithotripsy using the Therasonic Lithotripsy Treatment System
- Gender Differences in the ST Segment : Effect of Androgen-Deprivation Therapy and Possible Role of Testosterone
- Multidisciplinary treatment,including laser hyperthermia,for extensive regional metastasis of a penile tumor
- Laparoscopic Adrenalectomy for Pheochromocytoma in a Patient with Multiple Endocrine Neoplasia (MEN) Type 2A Syndrome
- The Protective Effect of Methylprednisolone against Cisplatin-Induced Nephrotoxicity in Patients with Urothelial Tumors
- Prevalence of the myelodysplastic syndromes in Japan
- Clinical significance of thymidylate synthase expression in bladder cancer
- Involvement of adrenomedullin induced by hypoxia in angiogenesis in human renal cell carcinoma
- prognostic value of tumor-associated macrophage count in human bladder cancer
- Testis Sparing Surgery for Infantile Synchromous Bilateral Teratoma of the Testis
- Erythropoientin-Producing Renal Cell Carcinoma Arising from Acquired Cystic Disease of the Kidney
- Role of Platelet-Activating Factor in Two-Kidney,One-Clip Hypertension
- Urinary Excretion of Platelet Activating Factor after Extracorporeal Shock Wave Lithotripsy in Patients with Urolithiasis