Department Of Radiology Keio University School Of Medicine | 論文
- 異なる施設間での肺小腫瘤GTVの解析
- Correlation between angiogenesis and reduction ratio measured using ^Tl chloride single photon emission computed tomography in patients with oral cavity squamous cell carcinoma
- Semi-quantitative assessment of oral cavity squamous cell carcinoma using ^Tl SPECT for evaluating effectiveness of preoperative radiotherapy
- Evaluation of mandibular invasion by head and neck cancers using ^Tc-methylene diphosphonate or ^Tc-hydroxymethylene diphosphonate and ^Tl chloride dual isotope single photon emission computed tomography
- Analysis of the Pattern of Maxillofacial Fracture by Five Departments in Tokyo : A Review of 674 Cases
- Usefulness of Ga-67 brain SPECT in patients with CNS malignant Iymphoma
- Prediction of PSA bounce after permanent prostate brachytherapy for localized prostate cancer
- 校医学の新たな展開--B-cell LymphomaのRadioimmunotherapyと骨疼痛緩和のための放射性医薬品 (特集 核医学の新たな展開)
- 73 73. Designation of the Arteries shown in the Vertebral Angiography
- Comparison of cationic myocardial perfusion agents: Charateristics of accumulation cultured smooth muscle cells
- Sentinel nodes of malignancies originating in the alimentary tract
- Extraosseous accumulation of bone scanning agents in malignant brain tumors : Comparison to semi-quantitative evalution with ^Tc SPECT/^Tl SPECT and histological findings
- Epidermoid cyst originating from an intrapancreatic accessory spleen
- Death from hypovolemic shock caused by perforation of duodenal ulcer in a patient with angiosarcoma of the scalp
- Regional migratory osteoporosis : a case report
- Effects of Single or Repeated Administrations of Methamphetamine on Immune Response in Mice
- Extraosseous accumulation of ^Tc phosphonate complexes in primary brain tumor evaluated with SPECT
- Diagnostic Imaging of Bone Metastasis from Breast Cancer
- Sentinel node理論--最近の知見と臨床応用の新展開 (特集 リンパ管新生の分子機構と病態)
- Use of Modern Radiation Therapy Following Surgery for Invasive Breast Cancer