Usefulness of Ga-67 brain SPECT in patients with CNS malignant Iymphoma
- 論文の詳細を見る
- 1996-11-01
鈴木 謙三
鈴木 謙三
Kubo Atsushi
Department Of Radiology Keio University School Of Medicine
Department of Radiological Technology, Faculty of Health Sciences, Nihon Institute of Medical Scienc
中村 浩
FUJII Hirofumi
Department of Radiology, School of Medicine, Keio University
Kubo Atsushi
Department Of Radiology School Of Medicine Keio University
Kubo Atsushi
Department Of Applied Chemistry And Biochemistry Faculty Of Engineering Kumamoto University
Fujii Hirofumi
Radiology Division National Cancer Center Hospital East
SHITARA Nobuyuki
Department of Neurosurgery, Tokyo Metropolitan Komagome Hospital
KOSUDA Shigeru
Department of Radiology, National Defense Medical College
Department of Radiology, Tokyo Metropolitan Komagome Hospital
鈴木 謙三
Suzuki Kenzo
Department Of Neurosurgery Matsushita Memorial Hospital
小須田 茂
Department Of Radiology Tokyo Metropolitan Komagome Hospital
Kosuda Shigeru
Department Of Radiology National Defense Medical College
Fujii Hirofumi
National Cancer Center Hospital East Kashiwa Jpn
YORINO Hachiro
Department of Radiology, Tokyo Metropolitan Komagome Hospital
AKITA Sakiko
Department of Radiology, Tokyo Metropolitan Komagome Hospital
Department of Radiology, Tokyo Metropolitan Komagome Hospital
Akita Sakiko
Department Of Radiology Tokyo Metropolitan Komagome Hospital
Yorino Hachiro
Department Of Radiology Tokyo Metropolitan Komagome Hospital
Negishi Hitoshi
Department Of Radiology Tokyo Metropolitan Komagome Hospital
小須田 茂
Department Of Radiology National Defense Medical College
Kosuda Shigeru
Department Of Radiology Tokyo Metropolitan Komagome Hospital
Shitara Nobuyuki
Department Of Neurosurgery Tokyo Metropolitan Komagome Hospital
Nakamura Osamu
Department Of Radiological Technology Faculty Of Health Sciences Nihon Institute Of Medical Science
Nakamura Osamu
Department Of Applied Physics Osaka University
Fujii Hirofumi
Department Of Medical Oncology Tochigi Cancer Center
Fujii Hirofumi
Functional Imaging Division Research Center For Innovative Oncology National Cancer Center Hospital East
Fujii Hirofumi
Department Of Clinical Oncology Jichi Medical University Hospital
Department of Neurosurgery, Tokyo Metropolitan Komagome Hospital
Department of Electrical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Kanagawa University
- 27 アドリアマイシンを中心とした肺癌術後の補助療法について
- ヒト免疫グロブリンG-ジエチレントリアミン五酢酸インジウム(^In) (^In-DTPA-IgG)の炎症イメージング剤としての臨床的有用性に関する検討 : 多施設による臨床第III相試験報告
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- 転移性骨腫瘍に伴う骨性疼痛に対する放射性ストロンチウム(^Sr)製剤SMS.2Pの第II相臨床試験
- 6.左膿胸胸膜肺全剔後、胸腔内に特異な画像所見を呈して発生した悪性中皮腫の1症例 : 第106回日本肺癌学会関東支部会
- 431 強い末梢の血流障害を伴ったCNS lupus例の検討
- 13 気管支動脈より分岐する食道動脈の頻度とその臨床的意義(気管支循環)
- M7-4 X 線学的にみた気管支循環(気管支循環)
- S1-1 血管造影所見より見た病巣の血管支配と気管支動脈塞栓術(気道出血の要因と対策・予後)
- 4. Peakにつづいて急速なflowの低下をみる難治性気管支喘息例の画像をふくめた検討 (7 気管支喘息における気道障害とその治療評価)
- ヒト免疫グロブリンG-ジエチレントリアミン五酢酸インジウム(^In)(^In-DTPA-IgG)の炎症イメージング剤としての臨床的有用性に関する検討 : 多施設による第II相臨床試験報告
- W5-5 高齢肺癌患者の治療選択としてBAI・放射線療法(高齢者や呼吸器合併症(IIP・肺気腫)を有する肺癌患者の治療選択,第40回日本肺癌学会総会号)
- 胸部感染性疾患におけるヒト免疫グロブリンG-ジエチレントリアミン五酢酸インジウム(111In-DTPA-IgG)シンチグラフィの有用性の検討
- S-1 肺癌の全身化学療法の問題点と局所治療の重要性
- 原発性肺癌に対するBAI療法の検討 : 化学療法
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- 68 膠原病症例におけるR I angiographyの異常
- 246 肺癌のN因子診断におけるCTの評価-^Gaシンチグラフィー, 気管支動脈造影との比較
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- 260 Plasmaaphresisが有効であった、高度の低アルブミン血症を伴ったクリオグロブリン血症の1例。
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- 434 肺癌切除後の免疫化学療法 : 組織型によるPSKおよびOK432の効果
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- False-positive CT and Thallium-201 SPECT Results in a Patient with Suspected Lung Cancer and Mediastinal Lymph Node Metastasis
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- 170 経カテーテル塞栓術による喀血の治療(喀血の治療 : 手術か塞栓術か, その塞栓子は)
- Increased FDG uptake in the wall of the right atrium in people who participated in a cancer screening program with whole-body PET
- Monitoring of response to radiation therapy for human tumor xenografts using ^Tc-HL91 (4,9-diaza-3,3,10,10-tetramethyldodecan-2,11-dione dioxime)
- Accumulation of gallium-67 within mature and immature teratoma in pediatric patients : investigation for the uptake mechanism
- Combined ^Tl and ^Ga brain SPECT in patients with suspected central nervous system lymphoma or germinoma : Clinical and economic value
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- 腫瘤型細気管支肺胞型肺癌のHRCT像 (胸部の最新画像情報′96)
- Oblique view of preoperative lymphoscintigraphy improves detection of sentinel lymph nodes in esophageal cancer
- Tamoxifen for recurrent desmoid tumor of the chest wall
- Usefulness of Ga-67 brain SPECT in patients with CNS malignant Iymphoma
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- Sentinel nodes of malignancies originating in the alimentary tract
- 動脈塞栓術による喀血の治療 (11月第1土曜特集 インタ-ベンショナル ラジオロジ-)
- 撮影方法と適応 (特集 胸部単純X線写真の読影と鑑別診断)
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- Changes with Age of the Rat Fetuin Concentration in Serum and Its mRNA Expression
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- Diagnostic Imaging of Bone Metastasis from Breast Cancer
- Nuclear Orientation Study of ^Co
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- Time-Varying Autoregressive Modelimg for Analyzing Transient Frequencies
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