Department Of Physics School Of Science The University Of Tokyo | 論文
- Bispectrum and Nonlinear Biasing of Galaxies : Perturbation Analysis, Numerical Simulation, and SDSS Galaxy Clustering
- Large-Scale Clustering of Sloan Digital Sky Survey Quasars : Impact of the Baryon Density and the Cosmological Constant
- Large-Scale Clustering of Sloan Digital Sky Survey Quasars: Impact of the Baryon Density and the Cosmological Constant
- Maximum Visible Polarization of 4179 Toutatis in the Apparition of 1996
- ASCA Observations of the Temperature Structure and Metal Distribution in the Perseus Cluster of Galaxies
- Asca Temperature Maps of Three Clusters of Galaxies : Abell 1060, AWM 7, and the Centaurus Cluster
- X-Ray Probing of the Central Regions of Clusters of Galaxies
- ASCA Measurements of Metallicity and Temperature Distributions in Three Clusters: A4059, MKW 3s, and 2A 0355+096
- ASCA Measurements of Silicon and Iron Abundances in the Intracluster Medium
- ASCA Observation of the Poor Cluster of Galaxies AWM 7 : Evidence of an Abundance Increase in the Intra-Cluster Medium at the Center
- Short-Period Noncontact Close Binary Systems.VI. V392 Orionis
- Metal Abundance of an X-Ray Emitting Gas in Two Groups of Galaxies : The NGC 5044 Group and HCG 51
- Probing Warm-Hot Intergalactic Medium Associated with the Virgo Cluster Using an Oxygen Absorption Line
- Time Variability of the Geocoronal Solar-Wind Charge Exchange in the Direction of the Celestial Equator
- Iron Emission Lines on the Galactic Ridge Observed with Suzaku
- Suzaku Spectral Study of the Galactic Ridge X-Ray Emission(Chapter 5. The Galactic Center and Ridge Emissions, The Extreme Universe in the Suzaku Era)
- Suzaku/Chandra Emission/Absorption Line Observations of Hot Gas in and around Our Galaxy(Chapter 4. Warm and Hot IntraGalactic Medium, The Extreme Universe in the Suzaku Era)
- Evidence for solar-wind charge-exchange X-ray emission from the earth's magnetosheath
- Suzaku Observation of the Metallicity Distribution in the Elliptical Galaxy NGC 4636
- Magnetic Reconnection as the Origin of Galactic-Ridge X-Ray Emission