Department Of Physics Graduate School Of Science Osaka University | 論文
- Low Energy Theorems in N=1 Supersymmetric Theory : Particles and Fields
- Diagonalization of the Light Cone QCD_4 Mass Operator in a Ladder Quarkonium Basis : Particles and Fields
- Unitarity Bound of the Wave Function Renormalization Constant
- Supersymmetric Nonlinear Sigma Models as Gauge Theories
- Three Dimensional Nonlinear Sigma Models in the Wilsonian Renormalization Method
- Renormalization Groups of Gell-Mann and Low and of Callan and Symanzik
- Unitarity Bound of the Wave Function Renormalization Constant(Particles and Fields)
- Theory of Dynamical Symmetry Breaking
- Solutions of the Spinor-Spinor Bethe-Salpeter Equaton in the Scalar-Vector Sector
- Compositeness and Anomalous Dimensions
- Exact Solutions of the Spinor-Spinor Bethe-Salpeter Equation and Their Gauge Dependence
- Theory of Hyperfine Interactions in Metals
- The Adler-Bardeen Theorem in Quantum Electrodynamics
- e^+e^-⇾Hadrons Total Cross Sections and the Parton-Antiparton Interactions
- Linewidth Study of Electric Dipole induced Spin Resonance in Uniaxially Stressed n-InSb for Far-Infrared Region: Theoretical : Condensed Matter: Electronic Properties, etc.
- Linewidth Study of Electric Dipole Induced Spin Resonance in Uniaxially Stressed n-InSb in Far Infrared Regions: Experimental : Condensed Matter: Electronic Properties, etc.
- Isgur-Wise Function from Bethe-Salpeter Amplitude : Particles and Fields
- Novel Structural Transformation around Lu(III) and Unusual Bending of Acetylacetonato Chelate in A Series of New 3d-4f Dinuclear Complexes [(hfac)_3Ln(μ-bpypz)Cr(acac)_2]
- De Broglie-Bohm Interpretation for Analytic Solutions of the Wheeler-DeWitt Equation in Spherically Symmetric Space-Time
- Comments on the Problem of Time in Quantum Cosmology (1996年度九州地区地域研究会:量子重力と量子宇宙論)