Department Of Physics Chung-ang University | 論文
- 21aSE-11 ^Nbの高スビン状態の研究(21aSE 天体核・核融合・高スピン,実験核物理領域)
- 10pSH-9 低エネルギー ^O RI ビームを使った天体核反応断面積の直接測定
- 28aSC-2 N=51 同調体の高スピン状態の研究
- High-Spin States in ^Nb(Nuclear physics)
- 13aSB-9 β-γ核分光法を用いた質量数110近傍のZr同位体の構造研究(13aSB実験核物理領域,理論核物理領域合同 不安定核II(合同),実験核物理領域)
- 13pSB-2 Identification of new neutron-rich isotopes produced by in-flight fission of ^U at 345 MeV/u II
- Capillary electrophoresis of glutamate and aspartate in rat brain dialysate : Improvements in detection and analysis time using cyclodextrins
- Stable Operation Regimes in Short-Pulse FEL Oscillators : Classical Phenomenology and Applications
- Protective Effects of Epicatechin Against the Toxic Effects of Streptozotocin on Rat Pancreatic Islets : In Vivo and in Vitro
- Site-Specific Distribution of Phospholipase D Isoforms in the Rat Pancreas
- Effect of Somatostatin on Cholecystokinin-Induced Amylase Release in Rat Pancreatic Acini
- Distributional Patterns of Phospholipase C Isozymes in Rat Pancreas
- High-Spin States in Odd-Odd ^Lu
- Mechanical Behavior of Au-Based Metallic Glass in Micro-Scale at Ambient and Elevated Temperatures
- 29pSG-5 Study of proton resonant states of astrophysical interest in ^Al using RI beam at CNS
- Simulation of Tunable Infra-Red Free-Electron Laser Based on Test Linac of Pohang Accelerator Laboratory
- Effects of Underdense Preplasma on the Energetic Proton Generation in Ultraintense Short Laser Pulse Interaction with an Overdense Plasma Slab(Gases, plasmas, electric discharges, and beams)
- Open Channel Block of Kv3.1 Currents by Fluoxetine
- MOCVD Growth of GaN-Based LEDs With Naturally Formed Nano-pyramids
- Influence of Sustain Pulse-Width on Electrical Characteristics and Luminous Efficiency in Surface Discharge of AC-PDP