Department Of Pharmacobiology And Therapeutics Faculty Of Pharmacy Meijo University | 論文
- A New Method of Synthesizing Deoxybenzoins from 1,3-Dimethyl-2-(α-benzyloxybenzyl)imidazolium and 1,3-Dimethyl-2-(α-benzyloxybenzyl)benzimidazolium Iodides Based on Wittig-Type Rearrangement
- Olefin-Insertion Reaction between the Carbonyls of Benzils ; Formation of 1, 4-Diketons by Michael Addition Catalyzed by Cyanide Ion
- Antiproteinuric Effect of KD3-671, an Angiotensin II Type 1 Receptor Antagonist, in Rats With Accelerated Passive Heymann Nephritis
- An association study of asthma and related phenotypes with polymorphisms in negative regulator molecules of the TLR signaling pathway
- Microbial metabolism of soy isoflavones by human intestinal bacterial strains
- Two New Cycloartane Glycosides from the Underground Parts of Aquilegia vulgaris
- A New Steroidal Glycoside and a New Phenyl Glycoside from a Ripe Cherry Tomato
- New C_ Steroidal Glycosides from Tubocapsicum anomalum
- A New Homostilbene and Two New Homoisoflavones from the Bulbs of Scilla scilloides
- Mechanism for Conversion of Spirosolane Derivative into Pregnane
- A Pregnane Glycoside from Overripe Tomato
- Two Labdane Diterpene and Megastigmane Glycosides from Aquilegia hybrida
- Conversion of Esculeoside A into Esculeogenin B
- Antiproliferative Constituents from Umbelliferae Plants VII. Active Triterpenes and Rosmarinic Acid from Centella asiatica(Pharmacognosy)
- Three New Steroid Glycosides from the Underground Parts of Trillium kamtschaticum
- Three New 15,16-Seco-cycloartane Glycosides from Cimicifuga Rhizome
- New C_ Steroidal Glycosides from Tubocapsicum anomalum
- Two New 15-Deoxycimigenol-Type and Three New 24-epi-Cimigenol-Type Glycosides from Cimicifuga Rhizome
- Steroidal Alkaloid Glycosides, Esculeosides C and D, from the Ripe Fruit of Cherry Tomato