Department Of Pediatrics Nagoya City University Medical School | 論文
- 胎児・新生児の肺胞上皮細胞の形態と生化学的特性 (新生児長期呼吸管理の進歩)
- Nitric oxide further attenuates pulmonary hypertension in magnesium-treated piglets
- Nitric oxide inhalation and nitric oxide synthase inhibitor supplement for endotoxin-induced hypotension
- A prospective clinical study on inhaled nitric oxide therapy for neonates in Japan
- Late circulatory dysfunction and decreased cerebral blood flow volume in infants with periventricular leukomalacia
- Reduction in cerebral blood flow volume in infants complicated with hypoxic ischemic encephalopathy resulting in cerebral palsy
- ピリミジン・サルベージ経路に関する研究 : 先天性オロット酸尿症の EB-virus transformed リンパ芽球におけるフルオロウラシルの代謝
- ピリミジン代謝異常をきたす疾患での尿中オロット酸、ジヒドロウラシル、ウラシル値26症例、153検体についての検討
- 外傷性血性胆汁
- Usefulness of uracil loading test for detecting 5-fluorouracil metabolic enzyme deficiencies in humans
- Estrogen protects against while testosterone exacerbates vulnerability of the lateral striatal artery to chemical hypoxia by 3-nitropropionic acid
- Diverse Roles of Single Memberane Organelles:Factors Establishing the Acid Lunmenal pH
- Improved Quality of Life and Unchanged Magnetic Resonance Brain Imaging After Living Donor Liver Transplantation for Late-Onset Ornithine Transcarbamylase Deficiency : Report of a Case
- "子育て"は"親育て"
- 座長総括
- 第29回日本先天代謝異常学会の思い出
- 尿中オロット酸、シュードウリジン、ジヒドロウラシル、ウラシルの基準値および日内変動
- Detection of Pivaloylcarnitine in Pediatric Patients with Hypocarnitinemia after Long-Term Administration of Pivalate-Containing Antibiotics
- マターナルPKUとは
- Synovial Sarcoma in the Prevertebral Space of the Neck: CT and MR Findings