Department Of Oral Anatomy Showa University School Of Dentistry | 論文
- 各種霊長類の咬合発育段階
- 第1大臼歯と中切歯の萌出順序
- 日本人乳歯の大きさにおける性差
- 低出生体重と上顎乳臼歯の歯冠サイズにおける関連性
- 極・超低出生体重児における乳歯歯冠の形態学的研究
- 唇顎口蓋裂児の歯列の発育に関する経年的研究 : 健常児との比較
- Histological and physicochemical studies of hypercalcified primear lines in the laminar bone of young calves
- Structural and analytical comparison of gallbladder stones collected from a single patient : studies of five cases
- Preliminary report on the correlations among pineal concretions, prostatic calculi and age in human adult males
- Scanning electron microscopy subsequent to a combined treatment of NaOCl and EDTA in some non-collagenous calcified matrixes
- Scanning Electron Microscopy Followed by Combined Treatment of Sodium Hypochlorite and EDTA in Collagenous Calcified Tissues
- Spherulitic brushite stones in the dental pulp of a cow
- Energy-Dispersive X-Ray Microanalysis of Calcified Tissues after NaOCl Treatment and/or Resin Embedding
- Root resorption of maxillary primary incisors in relation to position of successive permanent incisors by Micro-CT
- Morphological characteristics of maxillary deciduous molars in extremely-low and very-low birth-weight infants
- Longitudinal study on changes of the dental arch dimensions of Japanese boys with cleft lip and/or palate : from Hellman's dental stage IIA to IIIA
- Studies on Heads and Faces between Sundadonty and Sinodonty
- Three Dimensional Study of Sundadont and Sinodont Face Forms
- An odontometrical analysis of the mandibular molariform teeth in the Japanese males
- Macrophages Are Key Cells for the Initiation of Meckel's Cartilage Disappearance