Department Of Obstetrics And Gynecology Hokkaido University Graduate School Of Medicine | 論文
- 特異的画像所見を示し IgG avidity index と nested PCR にて診断したトキソプラズマ脳症の1例
- 血液型不適合妊娠 (周産期臨床検査のポイント) -- (産科編 各種病態で必要な検査)
- 先天性サイトメガロウイルス感染症と免疫グロブリン療法 (特集 妊産婦の感染症とその対策)
- 胎児医療の現状と将来--母子感染治療と予防における新たな試み (周産期診療プラクティス)
- 血液凝固異常合併妊婦の管理 (特集 ハイリスク合併妊婦の増加を考える--キャリーオーバー疾患管理のポイント)
- 妊娠中毒症と抗リン脂質抗体 (特集 抗リン脂質抗体症候群)
- Vaginal and Cervical pH in Bacterial Vaginosis and Cervicitis during Pregnancy
- 遺伝性球状赤血球症合併妊娠の産科管理
- Suppression of Tumorigenicity and Induction of Senescence on Human Endometrial Carcinoma Cell Lines by Transfer of Normal Human Chromosomes
- A catalog of 106 single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) and 11 other types of variations in genes for transforming growth factor-β1 (TGF-β1) and its signaling pathway
- 低リスク分娩における産後うつ病の危険因子についての検討
- IS-125 KL-6 and SP-A Levels in Amniotic Fluid as Markers of Fetal Lung Maturation
- A case of congenital toxoplasmosis whose mother demonstrated serum low IgG avidity and positive tests for multiplex-nested PCR in the amniotic fluid
- 4G/5G Variant of Plasminogen Activator Inhibitor-1 Gene and Severe Pregnancy-Induced Hypertension : Subgroup Analyses of Variants of Angiotensinogen and Endothelial Nitric Oxide Synthase
- A1166C variant of angiotensin II type 1 receptor gene is associated with severe hypertension in pregnancy independently of T235 variant of angiotensinogen gene
- Risk of Recurrence of Fetal Chromosomal Aberrations : Analysis of Trisomy 21, Trisomy 18, Trisomy 13, and 45, X in 1,076 Japanese Mothers
- The Behavior of Endometrial Hyperplasia : A Prospective Study
- 流産に関係ある不同対17染色体をもった一家系〔英文〕
- Proteolytic Activation of Single-chain Tissue-type Plasminogen Activator by Protease/α_2-Macroglobulin Complex Isolated from Human Ovarian Follicular Fluid(Endocrinology)
- Complete hydatidiform mole with coexisting dichorionic diamniotic twins following testicular sperm extraction and intracytoplasmic sperm injection